Hello, it sounds like you are having the most amazing time, still very jealous, you'll be glad to here that its raining, cold and miserable here. Playground duty was awful today, but better than keeping them in to go wild! I'm looking forward to the tea you're bringing home, but not perhaps the quantity! Love reading about all the travels and experiences. Take care, all my love and hugs, your favourite big sister, Fran xxxx
Hi you two , hope things are going well in Hong Kong what is the time difference? Managed to ring Emma last night at 12 thinking she is still out with work and discovered that she was in bed at home and had been since 10 30! No doubt pleased. I 'm working again tomorrow in year 1 did reception on monday really enjoyed it. Fran and Ian got home to a letter from the landlord saying that he'd put the house on the market so they will have to move out before xmas.Just about to try and tidy the office !! don't hold your breath! Have you been in touch with the person from uni who lives in H.K ? Hope to use the train tickets before xmas, do you or Rach want any clothes bringing down for Fran to give you when you arrive? Speak again soon love mumxxx
Hi Tris, Rach I've asked Auntie Joan to let Martin and Christine know that you are in Hong Kong so expect a call on your mobile. Once you have made contact I suspect you will be inundated with family. I leave for Tahiti on Wednesday - won't be back untill the 23rd November but I will contact you via Skype. Let me know your account name and I'll keep a look out for when you are online. Emailed David East - he is at home in Thailand next week. He doesn't think there is anything to worry about but will send me the local update which I will pass on.
Hope you and Tristan have a great time in Hong Kong, don't eat too much! ......................I can taste the food now. Say hi from me.
Enjoy L.Dad.X
Continuation. Swam outside under the stars with steam wafting around us dad loved it he was so relaxed after this. Nic and toby played tennis, we all played golf and tried out the golf driving range and generally had a good time. Nics birthday went well we arrived back home on friday afternoon, Nicola wanted to go out for dinner and then to have a party so we had all on getting unpacked and shopping for food Nic decided that now she was 18 she could participate in the wine tasting at M & S it was really funny she had one sip and that was that! We decorated the house with halloween and birthday decorations, went to Gustos and returned home 30 mins before everyone arrived, but it went well. On Sat nic had friends round and then went out to headingley and Leeds, on Sunday Nic & Ellie went to the pub down the road just because they could, they only had coke though .Today I went to pick up our new bedroom curtains and guess what they look just great we are really pleased with them so our room is finally finished, just need to crack on with nics room now hope to get this finished before end of Nov so we can prepare for Christmas and you two coming home. cant wait it seems ages since we saw you, and looking forward to a hug. Hope you have a great time in Hong Kong say hello to everyone, dad is flying off to Tahiti on Weds for 2 and a half weeks so its just Nic and me for a while, it will go quickly though as we have so much to be getting on with. Anyway must go and have a bath will speak to you when you are in Hong Kong, love to you both, mum x x x
Hi you two, farm looks spectacular especially the landscape so lush and green, you both look so well and happy. Glad to see you have both caught some fish and not tiddlers at that! Good to see that you have taken up sheep shearing as suggested ha ha when can we expect the delivery of the knitwear? Had a great time at center parcs, so much to do cycled our way around all week, spent lots of time in the spa, liked all the spas of the world especially thr Balinese steam room. Had Austrian Sauna experience which was great lots of heat followed by ice cold buckets of water being thown over us and then ice, sounds like torture but it was great, we all had face hair and body packs it was really refreshing, also had mud treatment to the face and body it was so funny.
Farm looks good but cold, well done with the fishing they looked really large and I bet they tasted fantastic. I've filled in and sent back the insurance paper so that should be O.K.Weather here still cold but no snow I'm pleased to report.Greg is going to let off a few fireworks tonight but we have not organized a bonfire so seems really quiet.They all got dressed up last night for the party at Pinkies Ann and Greg had gone to town and even Lottie had a kitten suit on. Fran and Ian went as dead old person and the grim reaper Looked really good especially Fran's slippers and old lady style hand bag! Have been to Wetherby today with them for look round came back through Boston seems a long time since I was last there.Well making chilli for supper so better dash. Have a good trip to Hong Kong speak to you then love mum and dad xxx
HI you two,
Sounds like your having a great time out there galavanting around. Really wish we were there! I don't like the bungy jumping though! There's not enough money in the world to make me do that! You wouldn't have even got me on the bridge! Photo's are really good, Cheryl and William look well. Grace has grown loads since she was last here. Does she sound australian? How's Ruth and Brandon?
Schools busy as always, class are driving me mad, lots of naughty boys. Ian's working far too much as usual. We are up in Leeds for a few days, Lottie has grown loads and is holding her head up and looking around, she doesn't want to miss anything. We went to Otley and Ilkley today, saw Emmas house bathroom looks like a room now. Plaster is drying ready for tiling. Ilkley was freezing. Yesterday we drove up through thick snow in the midlands. Very dramatic.
Going to a halloween / 40 birthday party for Pinky on Friday night. Ian doesn't have a costume yet but is going to the shop in cross gates i think tomorrow. NO bonfire in the back field this year, Ann and Greg don't want to build it and i'm not complaining after doing it for a few years now.
We went to try on bridesmaid dresses this evening at the white rose centre, tight, black and full length, really nice. Emma's got everything sorted already! Very organised! Anyway better get back downstairs, speak to you soon, take care, lots of love and hugs from Fran ( Favourite sister, it's alright you can admit it now your thousands of miles away) xxxxxxxx
Seen your pictures of the bungy jump, I'm glad I did not know that you were doing it but as you have well done, just looking at your picture in the bedroom can make my toes curl and my stomach turn over so I'd be no use doing a jump.We seem to have been really busy this week with the architect, tiler and washer man all here by 10.30 on monday am. Tuesday took Nana out and Fran and Ian arrived in the evening.The weather has changed to really cold , Fran came up as far as the M1 in snow and we saw some in Wakefield but only for a few mins.Greg has been to the meeting about the cycle track on the railway line and most people said they thought it a good idea.Heard that richard toovy had a close shave with someone who mounted the pavement and knocked him and an old gentleman down, the old man has died so Rich did well not to be injured too seriously.Cheryl looks well and no older than when I saw her last, I'm glad you got to see them. Fancy meeting people from uni in Sydney small world!Have fun on the farm speak soon love mum xxxxxx
Well well well what will you two do next, bungy jumping looks so scary but fun, it makes my tummy turn just looking at the pictures. I loved the glacier pictures it looks fantastic, especially liked the picture of the two of you with a very white background, cant explain but it will look even better in a frame.Tris was very brave going for a dip looks freezing cold but very very refreshing. Try and do something a little less scary next, perhaps try a little sheep shearing this could be fun & then you could take up knitting with the wool!. Well we are going to Centre Parc for five days from 27th so will speak to you next weekend. Take care and keep on having fun but not to daring please. Lots of love from mum X X X x x x x X X X
Emma (Bainbo)
Hi there you two! sounds as though you had a fun time in Sydney - can't believe Tris bumped into his uni mates - that must have been hillarious! and probably quite nice to see familiar faces. So how were Cheryl and William?! did you get some photos Tris as i can't see any on the album? did you see Steph as well as Kirsten?! tell all.... Things with me are really quite busy at the moment...at work and at home. Dave's car has officially died on us now so we're selling it for £300 - just neeed to work out how to get it to them as it won't even start! We're getting a Lexus 4x4 at the weekend - really nice with lodas of gadgets in it for you to sort out for us Tris! and a big boot for Merckx to ride around in. Taking all my bridesmaids to try a dress on next Thursday (I'm having Frances, Ann, Ginge, Zoe and Rebecca, plus Lottie - but she'll just be expected to look cute!) Zoe is my maid of honour too so has asked to do a speach! this will be hillarious! Still not got a tenant for my apartment but had an enquiry about it so fingers crossed! House is coming on...bathroom is being plastered today and tomorrow - very exciting, then the week after next we should get the hall, stairs and landing done. We've now got the phone line sorted and the stove is being fitted in 3 weeks time so it's coming on!! yippeeee! Dave's still working long hours - which is a good thing i'm guessing as that means they're busy! Let us know how you get on in New Zealand etc. Are you meeting up with Cousin Katie over there? hope to hear from you soon! Love and hugs, your fav sister ems xxxx
Hello ,got your message about being at the Opera house really glad that you managed to get seats and enjoy the sites. A friend of my dad's was the accountant for the company who built the bridge and we used to watch slides of Sydney when he had visited the site. Dad and I have been to Malham at the weekend with the rambling group and walked over the cove, it was a sunny day and the views were spectacular. They were recounting the weekend at the Y.H.A. with scouts when every one was there very funny. Lynne Pullen was saying how you were absailing every one down because you were too young to be able to get over the roots.Ian P was married the other week. Ann's extension starts on Monday so frantic ordering of goods has started. We went to Liverpool on Tuesday to collect your Nana ,she seems to have enjoyed herself and the weather was really warm while she was there.I've been working wed/Thurs have to keep the money coming in with a wedding on the horizon.Dad enjoying going out with his granddaughter, well calling for tea so must dash, love mum and dad xxx
Just realised I've put saw instead of sore!! And your tax thing for the car has arrived do you need to insure before you can tax it? Mumxx