g'day sport, just been lookin at the blog, Manda's dead jealous bout the summer bay thing, think she's gonna be in palm beach along time!!! hope ur ok and glad to see ur having a gr8 time !!
Derek Cartwright
Hiya sweetheart, jus bin lookin at ya pics there really good. Some lovely views n you even managed ta get on some of em ya self. Me n Dad jus smiling at the group one cos ya must have got stuck next ta the tallest person there eh. Nice ta chat this morning n catch up wi stuff glad all seems ok so far with you n hope all ok with the house this week. Enjoy the bridge this week n text me before n after it. Lotsa love n mushy stuff, bye for now, MUM n DAD X X X
Hi Lynz
Looks like you`re having a brilliant time so far,we will be following your blog.Enjoy yourself.Take care .Lots of love Ann Alan & Matthew xx
Amanda & Daryl
G'Day lynz sounds like your already having an awsome time! your gonna love oz its great. Were looking forward to seeing your photos so update asap!! Anyway gotta go were washing our crocodile tonight lol!! Take care and enjoy yourself lots of love x x x
Derek Cartwright
thought we,d be the first to write on your message board,best of luck on your trip and we,ll look forward to hearing all about it and viewing the pic,s luv mum&dad