After Fiji I spent almost three weeks in OZ and such a good time. Many parties at the uni as well as other parties like big night out in Brisbane! On top of all surfing almost every day and even twice some lucky days:) I also played my last football game for team Scandinavia (former team Sweden) and it was just an amazing one! Yeah believe it or not but I did a hat trick and two goals from a penalty kick and one free kick! Couldnt eve though finishing my games here that kind a style:) After Gold Coast I went w Marieka and Santi to Sydney We Love Sounds music festivals and it was just awesome! We saw Armin van Buuren who is one of the best DJs in the World!! After Sydney I came to Hawaii!!
First monday 8th I spent in Sydney. It was really nice day and I was just hanging around in Circular Quay listening some musicians in a sun light. Yeah it was Queen's b'day so it was a public holiday in OZ so lots of people enjoying the day. My second monday 8th I spent in Hawaii Waikiki beach! Well my holidays in Hawaii havent started so well as I'm being sick... Again tonsillitis, flu and fever so basically same start for the vacation like in Fiji.. So last two days I'm being sleeping more or less the whole days. Anyway I hav spent a few hours on waikiki beach which looks pretty nice. Well the beach is nothing special but waves looks nice for longboards. Hopefully tomorro I can try one and ride a wave in Hawaii! Not much stories yet from Hawaii but hopefully after few days. I prob go to Pearl harbour and around the Oahu Island, will c..
Mahalo! (cheers)
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