blogdate thursday 10th march.
we are now in ho chi ming city or saigon as it's also known.busy busy place you take your life in your own hands just walking the streets dodging cyclo's, moto's, cars, trucks, sellers etc. this country is out to sell you everything and anything, but its not too aggressive and a bit of fun but i'm sure will get on my nerves if we stay here too long so heading off tomorrow to a lovely beach resort for a bit of R&R. so far we like vietnam. stayed in chau doc first 2 night which was a lovely town, went on a cyclo tour with Thao and Cam to sam mountain (well small hill) which we got a ride up on moto's as was rather hot. toured fishj farms, rice paddies and duck farms en route which was very relaxing sat on a 2 wheel cart being pulled by our boys on bikes, they must be fit although they smoked all the time.will upload pics later. met couple of sheila's sue and debbie who where great fun and a dutch couple michelle (m) mr iphone app boy. arrived chau doc just after dark all at same hotel, got a convoy of cyclo's to a local vietnamese restaurant which was fab about £2 each food and drink,
ooooooh thats expensive.anyway all shuts early so off to bed. the others were heading off in the morning so we did the sam mountain then boat on the river to river fish farms and floating veg market (boats arrive from all over and trade on the river) then to a muslim village, drank tea, bought bag and scarf watched weaving, then boat back to floating restaurant. good food but very busy seemed like the world was taking out their mum, service strained, lot of stressed waiters but fun. back to hotel booked bus to ho chi ming.
ok so crossing the border was fun. arrived by boat get off boat up bridge to exit cambodia. now we have overstayed our visa by 3 days and where expecting to pay $5 per day each excess. but no they are asking $5 per person each day plus $30 visa extention. so we politely refused saying we were told just the $5 per day. the guy from the boat is negotiating on our behalf, telling them we have been teaching in siem reap the police are now involved or thats what they call them but think its just border control. everyone else is waiting for us on the boat few more questions, more negotiating, keep smiling, our passports are taken to another hut, more discussion. we are told secretly by our negotiator to say that we were told at the entry border that is would be only $5 a day. more smiles, a funny type of laugh from the police/official. then passports are back in view, receipts are written, $15 handed over by us each and we make our escape down the gangplank onto the boat to raptuous applause from our fellow travellers(mainly french).breakast awaits to be continued......................
blobbie signing off xx
- comments
brendasetchell Sounds as if you are having fun and getting around a lot. Look forward to more xx Mum