Check-in at Houston was straight forward, pays to be earl though, the security is crazy, everything out, shoes off, full body scan, computer got tested for drugs, very serious business!!
The United Airlines plane was old, we were 2nd from the back and Rod got to sit next a crazy blond american woman who was very high maintenance, it was so funny - well for me it was. First she wanted a DRINK quick as she was anxious, just give a shot of vodka, oh no thats too expensive she told the steward - Ill have red wine, didn't need a glass just skulled it out the bottle - then she had arthritis and was uncomfortable, window shades up window shades down, immigration forms well this took her nearly 2 hours to fill out with a question for every question, so while Rod was enjoying her - NOT - I was having a lovely time colouring in - my latest switch off boy was I glad I was busy its fantastic especially when you want to ignore someone.
Get me off this plane was the look from Rod hee hee, it was a bumpy flight - we made it!! We cleared immigration without getting searched or drugs planted into our bags like lots thought and headed out - 1st thing I spotted was real coffee oh please I need real coffee so after an espresso we were ready to venture out into Mexico.
There is nothing QUIET about Mexicans!!! We arrived, checked in and went out for walk around, there is music everywhere and I mean loud music, bands, singers, TV's blaring its crazy!!! Its warm and balmy and I am loving it, food stalls, craft markets, colour everywhere. We chose somewhere to have dinner, it was cheap and fantastic washed down with a margarita of cause. We wandered and wandered and came across a bar with the music so loud we just had to venture inside, it was crazy, litres of Sol, people dancing everywhere around tables - no need for a dance floor if you want to dance just get up and dance, the beat was great. Pascal is Pasquale in Spanish he was a hit with the locals swigging back the Sol larger and dancing around the room. I was asked to dance, quite a novelty we were no tourists go in this bar and they had never met anyone from New Zealand, probably not the best place to be the locals were extremely welcoming to the point of wanting to buy us a beer, language was a real problem trying to communicate however we eventually got there in the end. Two beers later we left and headed back to the better side of town to find more and more music, roads closed off for pedestrians only and restaurants spewing out onto the streets with people dancing it was a very happy place.
We finally fell into bed around midnight only to hear the deep beat of the disco's not far away so out came the ear plugs and sleep was found.
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