Travel Tales!
Hi y'all!! My last entry on this website!.. I'm sorry to say..
I have 3 weeks left, I cannot believe its nearly over!! Where has it gone!
I've did the bottom of Thailand with Andy and Brendon... some beautiful place and very much an experience getting into Thailand! ...Everything else has seem to paled into significance since I arrived at the elephant camp , its amazing!!!
They are so big.. My elephant is called Dochun (pronounced duckhoon). She was rescued from Phuket after the Psunami. She is 25 yrs old and 3 months pregnant...(the gestation period is 22 months though! - so she has a way to go yet!)
I have been commanding her already (getting her to walk and turn and reverse), feeding her bananas and pineapples, climbing up on her - without a saddle and riding on her back- which means commanding her to pick her leg up and let me climb up her leg!! its mad!.. and we shower her.. well she showers us really...... fills her trunk.. and we shout 'monsoon' and she flicks her trunk up and gets me as wet as her!! haha..
When we aren't looking after the elephants we chat to our Mahots... make animals out of pineapple leaves -(made a bird mobile already!) ... and teach them english.. they love it.. I've got one singing "Head shoulders knees and toes"!!... and they try and teach us Thai as well.. my with less luck!!....
.....Today my Mahot was trying to tell me something about my trousers for ages and I couldn't understand him.. we had to walk halfway across the camp to find another Mahot that could speak english, only to find out that he was trying to tell me that I had a massive rip in the crouch of my trousers!!!! and I had been climbing up and down my elephant all morning with his help!!! - How embarrassing!!! haha
Last night we all went out in what can only be described as pig truck... out to the pinapple fields!!! at night in the dark.. had to pick all the stems of the pineapple leaves.. which are really sharp.. and work together with out Thai Mahots.. to get it all back on the truck!. It took hourse.. One elephant eats 10kg of plants a day.. and there are 21 elephats.. it took us till midnight!.. then climb up onto the top of it.. when its full to the brim and 15 of us road home in the open air on top!!.. it was soo much fun.. although my arms and legs are ripped to pieces already...
I am learning Poi.. you know.. those fire balls on chains that they swing around at festivals and things!.. its great.. although Im not quite at the fire stage just yet!! - haha
For chinese New Year we were invited to my project managers house for dinner and he took us to a chinese temple.
Weve had many a dinner parties cooking with the Mahouts, they are so friendly and love learning english.. I really do feel like part of the family!
So much so that I've decided to stay at the camp as a volunteer until the end of my trip!.. They need help setting up a new day tour project to raise money for the camp. Taking people around telling them about the elephants and why they are here etc. Making brochures and posters and information boards etc etc.. so its all really exciting!!
So I'm staying here until the19th then heading back to bangkok to do the rest of the temples and some serious shopping in the markets and then Hong Kong for a few days where I'm catching up with my friend Maya from Belguim for a few days and then its home time!! OH MY GOD!
This is such a good end to the trip!..
See You soonxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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