Glad to see you've arrived safely. Looks a lovely place. Been Christmas shopping in Edinburgh today - exhausting stuff but quite successful. Chris had his legs waxed today for Children in Need - he's a brave soul.
Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.
Jim and Sheena
Ma Mcd
Hello lovelies!
Great to know you've arrived safely at your new destination - which I would name if I could remember the spelling. Its just about coffee time here and the sun is shining, so happy days. ( I see Ken beat me yo it. Typical!) Lotsa love mum(almost Gran.) Not yours of course. Anyway Kiss Kiss.
Good (UK time) morning gals!
I tuned-in to your travel site this morning and there weren't any new photos of you making strange noises on climbing walls or swings - nor were there any plates of food to be seen. I guess you must be having a busy time of it - and/or you're out of wi-fi range - and/or you've been eating chips and sausages instead of nice salads and are thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. I did get your Facebook message though, Adrienne, and look forward to being around Woodside Drive if you phone home this weekend.
We've got New Zealand weather in the north-east of Scotland today - just a wee bit colder. The skies are fantastic and the hills look lovely in the distance.
Hope today's destination is as interesting and exciting one for you both and that we'll soon be seeing your witty and enlightening photo-essays again. Hugs xxx
Auntie M
Looks like your having way too much fun for a working holiday. Love all the photos. Emma and Amy say hi we all went to Dobbies and you were missed by all. The shops all have their trees and lights up so its....Getting lto ook a lot like Christmas every where you go... Have fun on your next adventure.
Take care to both
Auntie M
Hi Sus and Adrienne
Oooh its exciting!! Finally caught up with all your news and pics tonight, looks like you are having a great time...and managing to fit some work in as well! impressive carving skills. Hope the sun is out for you now.
Great to see what your up to so keep us posted when you. A week gone already but still loads to see and do.
Take care xxx
Ello you two. Glad your getting some time off work to keep the photos rolling in and captioned....
Hope the weather gets better there, and as gareth says, have learned a haka for us all.
Jim & Sheena
Hello girls
Good to see you're living up to your song "where's the playground Susi". Looks like you had fun. Jim says you probably won't remember Glen Campbell did that number.
Lincoln Green looks like a good unit. The paintings and art work are very colourful.
Enjoy the next part of your trip.
Jim & Sheena
Kim N Lissa
Hi Susi and Adrienne!
We've really enjoyed catching up with your blogs and photos this morning - sorry the journey was such a nightmare, after we were telling you how great it would be! No hot noodles on tap then? Or perhaps you weren't feeling like them. . .
Bone carving looks amazing, spot the art therapist!
We love your turtle/tortoise, though, peapod xx
Keep working hard and report in frequently. Thanks.
Lots of love,
Kim n Lissa xxx
Hi girls,
I love your boney bits! Very pretty indeed. It looks like things are going well. All is well here too. Our flat is getting fuller and fuller with big boxes containing prams and wierd stuff like that. EEk
Love Yous, Viv xx
Hello folks,
not sure what the car on the wall outside means, maybe it was the only parking space they could get. Right outside my window is a complex of bars and cafes with weird stuff all over the place. Can't believe we have been here for a week either, it's gone past too quickly.
Sheena & Jim
Hi kiwi gals,
How's it gaun? Interesting to see the car on the building opposite. What's it about? Its good to see you're both having a great time and managing to get some work done. Liked the pictures of the scenery - wish we could be there. Liked the picture of you both on the balcony.
It's great that this form of communication lets us see what other people are saying to you way down under. Can't believe its almost been a week since we saw you last!
Lots of love
Sheena and Jim
Christine (The Food Policeperson)
Hi Girlies,
Well, how pleased was I to see that huge plate of healthy food - I am talking about the veggies and not the shortbread etc that you have taken along as an example of our fantastic healthy Scottish diet!!
Glad that you've knuckled down to work at last. Enjoying your blog despite reading it through a green haze of jealousy.