Hi Susi and Adriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene
Sorry Adrienne my finger stuck on the 'I' button. Looks like you are bothe havin a fab time. Your tans are coming on. Thought you should know we are haiving a heat wave back home. It went above 2oc for 1 hour today. I wore my shorts in the back garden and only have a small cold.
Keep enjoying yourselves and takin lots of photos. Don't spend too much as i like pressies!
Luv Olivia Paden, Mummy and Daddy
Jim & Sheena
Dear Adrienne and Susi
The Auckland Sky Tower looked scary. The photos of the city were great. You've both had a busy time. Enjoy your holiday.
Jim & Sheena
Hi you 2
can't believe how fast time passing. The pics are great, its nice, at the end of a cold dark day, to see what your up to and where you have been. Have a good week, sounds like a busy one and enjoy your holiday.
See ya soon
er, (must have pressed the 'add message' button by mistake) your chins up.
Hairy hugs xx
It's hard to believe how quickly the time is flying by. And it looks like an even busier day or two ahead for you. Once again, your photo-album is offering us a lovely glimpse of your surroundings and your blogs, an insight into the reasons for your journey. It does look just a little bit smelly though - but it's good for you (they say).
Hi Susi and Adrienne
It has been a while since I have said Hi - hope you are still having a gab time. It can't belong now before your holiday actually begins and I bet you are looking forward to it. have a great holiday and look forward to seeing you both soon.
Take care, Elaine xxxx
Hi Susi and Adrienne, I have finally managed to check out your blog and its totally fab! Looks like you re having a wonderful time there...and all in the name of recovery. Really love your photos, all that amazing scenery, so very tempting! I really look forward to hearing all about it on your return...if you decide to that is! Enjoy every last minute of it,
love Mairi x
Jim & Sheena
Dear Susi and Adrienne
Just catching up on your blog. Rotorua looks amazing if a bit smelly. The Mauri carvings are beautiful. Did you manage to find some shells on the beach? Hope you are both well. Keep the photos coming.
Jim and Sheena
Ma Mcd
Olivia Paden
Susi and Adrrrrrrrrrienne
I love your photos. I would like to go skiing with you on the mountains when you go. Hope you are really enjoying yourself.
Susi please remember you are babysitting me on the 19 December when m & d are out drinking.
Luv Ya
Auntie M And Jeanette
We have snow covereed mountains in Aberdeen it looks like New Zealand but of course colder. Sounds like your both having a blast. Keep those photos coming the are fantastic.
Love Auntie M and Jeanette
Pa Mcd
All that pre- planning appears to be paying off big-time. Thanks for putting in the time to keep us informed, we are really enjoying this journey by proxy.
Lots of love !