To go Suzhou, you may take a train from shanghai. Fastest train is 25min and slowest train is 2hr. Becareful of what type of ticket that you buy as it may make a lot of difference. Based on 2007 pricing, ticket for 2hr journey is around 7RMB (S$1.40) and ticket for 25min journey is around 25RMB (S$5) depending on the type of seats. There're first class and second class seats. Normally the first class seats sold out quickly.
There're many gardens in Suzhou belongs rich people in the olden days.
I only include my favourite picture which is from Master of Nets Garden. If you're interested to look at more pictures of Suzhou Garden, you may search the internet, I believe there're plenty.
Shopping wise, Suzhou is not as good as Shanghai. But there is a place where you can buy cheap and good quality tea leaves near 'Guan Qian Jie' which open during day time. If you want to buy Suzhou handicraft, you may try your luck at 'Guan Qian Jie' too. There're small shops behind the temple at 'Guan Qian Jie' which sell a variety of Suzhou art and craft like stitch painting.
You may be interested to visit the Super markets in Suzhou too. The 2 most popular supermarkets are Ou shang and Carrefour. Ou Shang is in Suzhou Industrial Park which is around 20 min taxi ride from Suzhou train station. There're 2 Carrefour in Suzhou. One is nearer to Suzhou train station, the other one is quite far away but it is bigger.
Food wise, there're plenty of delicious food in Suzhou. There is a Shang Ye Jie which has whole stretch of restaurants. Guan Qian Jie, Shi Lu and Suzhou Industrial Park have many good restaurants too.
Transport wise, its quite easy to get around. Just take a cab (starting price is around 10RMB which is S$2 - based on 2007 rate) and you can go anywhere in Suzhou if you know how to speak mandarin.
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