August 19th 2009, package received and operation culture shock was under way. Your forgiven for thinking that you are reading ‘Mission Impossible’, that would be because you are!
We had returned to Thailand from Cambodia and gotten back to Bangkok, a day after we had arrived we were back at the airport once again. This time we weren’t leaving, we were collecting! Yes that’s right we had a visitor coming to see us for three whole weeks, who you may ask? Well it was Alicia, Carina’s sister. (If you don’t already, feel VERY SORRY for David)
We had found a room a bit higher than our usual class for Alicia’s first night, in order to ease her in gently. A few hours later was gentle enough when we took her for her first meal on the Bangkok street stalls! Now for those that don’t know Alicia she is a girl who likes labels, handbags of the most ridiculous size and at this point still didn’t quite believe us that the make up should have stayed at home!
A horrified look and a Sweet and Sour curry later Alicia was astounded at just how damn good the food was, but also looked like she had been dipped in a swimming pool and lost her makeup all thanks to the Asian humidity.
Less than 24 hours after arriving the first changes had been accepted, Alicia was more than happy to go back to the streets for breakfast and by the afternoon had packed the makeup away and donned a new set of travelling clothes form the market, making her life a whole lot easier.
An overnight bus had given her the experience she would have many times over the coming weeks, but had also landed us back in Chiang Mai. A familiar place for us and a superb surprise waiting for Alicia. It had been her birthday on the 15th August which was part of the reason for her visit, if you have kept up with our trip you will know that a birthday Travel Junkie style, is no ordinary birthday!
Night one was a meal at a nifty Mexican followed by drinks and pool in a local bar. Warm up over and day two was the biggie, we took Lis for her first Tuk Tuk ride. The entire time she was either laughing, smiling or in shock at the crazed driving skills of the Thai, but enjoyed every minute. Lis had a lifelong dream and ambition that she thought almost impossible to fulfil, but we thought rectifying that would be the best present we could give her and consequently arrived at Tiger Kingdom!
Contrary to what you may be thinking it was actually Lions we had brought her to see, two six month old Lion cubs to be exact. Called Benji and Johnny Depp. Alicia had these two terrors all to herself, other than the keeper for safety and a professional photographer for good measure just to make it a more memorable present.
Even with the photos of our previous visit here with the tigers had not convinced Alicia that the animals were not in any way sedated, well that was soon to change and we caught it on film. Alicia decided it would be a good idea to play with the nice kitty’s tail, at first it was but she found a sensitive bit! Little Johnny Depp gave her a look then a snap of his jaws in her direction that left her in no doubt he was wide awake. Lis came to no harm as this was just a warning snap and didn’t connect with her at all, but believe us it was a truly hilarious you’ve been framed moment.
Seen as we had missed out on the Tiger cubs on our last visit we took the opportunity to get up close with these feisty little guys. At 4 months old they weigh a hefty 15kilos and with paws that cover most of one side of our face (as you will see) if they got a twitch with claws that close it would be a tad more than a scratch.
After we had been fooling around with the little guys it was time to send Alicia back into the pen but with the big 90-100kilo stripy cats. Yep she got to stroke the big Tigers too and got even more proof that these are very real when one kindly showed its full set of pearly whites!
To finish off a more than memorable day we went for a meal at the Riverside restaurant for some true Thai food, a bit more upmarket than the streets stalls we had first introduced but hey it’s a birthday!
Day three and the final day of the birthday celebrations was a rest day during the day, with a visit to the very oversized night market full over souvenirs and every day goodies, just perfect for a shopaholic.
So with a ‘dinch’ from the quaint little bakery around the corner Alicia’s birthday surprises were all used up, she had gone from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Had a multitude of culture shocks and her experience of a lifetime and all the way known nothing from one minute to the next. She just had to get ready and do and go where she was told for her first week, but from there on in she would have to be a lot more involved, but that’s another tale!
We will leave you with this direct quote from Alicia that she uttered when she was to go in with the Lions.
“Id rather not have my ‘Chanel’ handbags if I could see the Lions everyday”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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