We spent all day worshiping and being in church. The morning started at 8:30am with Thai English lessons. Bing-bing and I were put in the upper level English class to have conversations with. We met Wai-lai, Kor (frog) & Pho (rabbit) who tried their best to speak English with us and understand us. I was as usual going too fast though I know that it was slow for me. LOL After the English lessons, there was a small Bible study and we had the Thai service. Which we didn't understand a lick of it much less got anything other than we don't understand Thai and can't follow along. The singing was okay since we could recognize the tunes and sing it in English. They had a Thai-English Bible along with a song book, so we muddled along a little bit. Lunch was served family style and it was basically pork estofado, cheese sticks (made with Filipino cheese and dipped in condense milk, which is totally Filipino style!) and broccoli soup. Then it was off to an inter-church rally across town. I got to snooze a little bit on the ride there but it wasn't much of a power nap. The inter-church rally was interesting because of all the missionaries we met. My parent's old school mates like Pastor Katisac and his wife, Mr. Holmes and his wife Aunt Lourdes, Pastor Bertram Icate and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Art Inion along with some people from California who are studying at the mission school in Bangkok. The inter-church rally was mostly in Thai but they did have an interesting Bible quiz method. You had to whisper the answer to the lady asking questions, who then kept notes in a book of how many points you, got, then at the end the one with the most points got a prize. But due to the whole language barrier, I had a hard time trying to follow the service. It was an interesting experience to say the least! Now I know how a total foreigner in the US feels with a cacophony of voices around you and not being able to follow what is happening. We didn't get to fellowship after the rally due to the English Service that Pastor Acosta was holding across town. That was a service we could follow but we were so worn out by that time I fell asleep while praying. LOL For dinner they served us spaghetti Filipino style, with sweet cheese and roasted chicken. We were just plain exhausted by that time! And it didn't help that the following day we have to travel again.
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