Belia woke up not feeling well. I decided to stay back and let her sleep.
Tim and the kids went to catch a bus and see the Vatican. The bus was 45 minutes late so unfortunately they missed their reserved time, the lineups were hours long, and with the heat they didn't want to push it. They thought the
Vatican area was impressive, although they were disgusted with the commercialism of the pope, every gadget under the sun for sale with his picture on them.
Getting on the metro leaving the Vatican area Tim felt someone try to jam past him, when he looked down he noticed a guy reaching into his pocket. Tim reacted by grabbing the thief's hand, bending it backwards and digging his nails in looking to see if he had anything in his hand. The door buzzer started to go. According to the kids the thief squelched in pain and ran off when Tim let go. Tim said if something would have been in his hand he would have pulled him onto the train. Wow! Don't mess with Tim!
Belia and I stayed cool in the AC of our trailer. By noon she was feeling a lot better and took the buggy out for a drive. Tim and the others got back feeling exhausted from the heat. We all headed for the pools. Instead of hot tubs they have cool tubs - an absolute dream when it is 38 degrees out!
While we were in the cool tub two men started talking to each other in Dutch, about our family, not realizing that Tim could understand them. Good thing they were saying nice things. They were commenting on how big our family is, and that Brennin would be perfect on their soccer team.
Darius and Brennin took the carts out for a ride - Brennin's description is as follows: "we went down a rough path causing the chain to fall off the buggy, so we hooked our buggies together to tow it back. We were driving back fairly aggressive and made a sharp turn into the campsite, but Darius being a little tardy on the turn flipped onto the ground, the seat came loose and the cart landed on him". The difference between traveling with boys compared to girls is huge! Luckily they were fine - Darius limped around for a bit but walked it off.
Mariah also had an incident that she admitted. " I was going over a speed jump (speed bump) and lost control of my buggy. I went to the right and wammed into a biker, about Darius' age, and he went flying into a tent. When he got up I tried to say sorry but I couldn't because of his rapid cursing."
After supper Belia, Mariah and I went trampoline bungying. We were harnessed in on bungee cords and winched up a bit so that when we bounced we went extra high. I loved it! Mariah did back flips but I wasn't that brave!
Back at the trailer Tim and the kids played Risk while I blogged.
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