None of us wanted to leave the campground, it was just the right size with a lot to do on site.
The kids rented 2 pedal go-carts. We all took turns riding around on the paving stone paths. Brennin and Darius especially liked the downhill dirt road with tons of ruts to navigate without flipping over.
There were two pools, one regular pool and the other was covered in a spongy tarp with a spongy "ice burg" structure in the middle. Kids climbed all over the ice burg and slid down it into the water.
Brennin and Darius took two seconds to think up a wrestling game, Mariah and Belia joined in. We thought it was rough - especially for any city kids who aren't use to our rough and tough country kids!
After walking past the gelato bar a number of times and gawking at the endless flavors, we tried a cone. That was it! We were hooked, and made
sure to have one a day.
In the evening Mariah and Belia walked over to see what live entertainment was playing. Tim and I walked over to see what they found. Mariah said that there was nothing to see. We just about went back to our trailer but because of the large crowd of people we decided to double check.
At first it appeared to be a family dance, but minutes after we arrived foam bubbles were launched into the air, transforming the place into a snowstorm of soap foam. It was a family dance party in foam - so much fun! Belia thought it was fluff at first. The foam kept coming until it was up to our waist, but in the middle of the crowd it was even higher. Brennin and Darius came out to see what was happening and couldn't believe their eyes. Within seconds they were under the foam dancing with the rest of us. People had foam all over them - it was like we were in a giant bubble bath. The foam was so high that it covered Mariah standing up. A gigantic balloon (the size of a weather balloon)
was thrown out to the crowd to volley around. Tim put Belia on his shoulders so she could hit it too. The foam machine would start up every so often adding new layers of foam. Near the end there was a lazer show to top off the excitement. Of course Tim's wheels were spinning wondering how he could make a foam gun at home.
It was late, the kids went home to bed and we stayed out at the patio bar for a while.
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Oma and Opa Nice to see some new blogs!!!