Its full of hippies, surfers and campervans. I am definitly up for coming back here soon . Only had one full day in Byron itself because i did my trip to nimbin the other day. I decided that day to do the walk up the lighthouse which is lovely and rminds me of walking on the cliffs in Cornwall. The view from the lighthouse was amazing- i saw wales and lots of surfers
. I deraly wish i could surf but i really am hopeless so will just have to be the combi van driver wheni marry my surfer dude i think
Chose a really cool hostel which although isnt the most secure, high tech or clean just summarises Byron Bay perfectly. I was in the riverside cottage with 8 girls all of whom were great, and we had our own little veranda on the lake overlooking the camp ground and the hammock area. It was soooooooo nice!! The hostel was so hippie you could stay in tee pees and stuff like that and in the evening it wasnt about partying more about sitting around with people playing guitar which was something totally different. They had a talent show one night where local artists and some guests perform - honestly they were all unbelievably talented like literally amazing. I guess thats why its called the arts factory.
Anyway now left Byron Bay on my overight bus which was eventful. Firstly i nearly missed the bus becuase i had the wrong time- nice one!The bus only had about 6 people on it which was great however at 12am I woke up and found myself alone on the bus, all the lights were off and it was lashing it down with rain, it was like a scene from wolf creek and i freaked out. Well it turns out the bus broke down and the other passengers had gone under the trees to get some fresh air... but i pood myself becuase i thought i had been abondoned. Anyway we then ( 3hours later) got a new bus and continued along to Sydney stopping only a few times to stop the couple at the back from smoking weed and doing other naughty things--- i kid you not!!
Back in Sydney now in an average at best hostel. BUT I LOVE SYDNEY!!!! There is something about seeing the harbour bridge which is just amazing. Met up with Becky and her pal Charlotte last ngiht and we decided to go for dinner. Well we found out that Peter doyles ( the nicest fish place in Sydney) had a deal on for 2 AMAZING courses and wine for $30.00 well we couldnt believe it and grinned like school kids all evening. It was seriously such a fab night.
So what next.... well I have a plan but need to fnalise a few things first !!
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