3 January: Our first full day found us walking the beach at Stanmore bay. The Pohutakawa trees also known as the New Zealand Christmas tree are still in bloom (see photo). The water is just a bit chilly, but we waded along the shore. At the end of the beach we saw two large sea birds called Shags sunning themselves on an outcropping of rock. Even though it is school holiday time, and today was a public holiday, the beach was uncrowded. As is always the case in NZ, anyone we did meet along the beach greeted us with a smile and a verbal greeting. In the afternoon we went into Auckland to the Auckland Museum to view the Moari culture exhibit.
4 January: Buzz took a 5K walk this morning. He rode to work with Jim and then walked back. i read a book! today was taken up with the mundane stuff like geting new pin numbers for our NZ cash cards and stocking up onmaps and travel info. We leave here Friday for the far north.
5 January: Today we went to the Muriwai Gannett sanctuary on the West coast south of Helensville. The sea was very rough, and it was very windy on the viewing platforms. The Gannetts are mesmerizing to watch. We stayed a long while, and viewed them from every angle possible. When you spend time watching the sea and the birds, you begin to
appreciate just how people fit into the grand scheme of things
7 January: We drive up to Cable Bay yesterday. It is about a four h our drive, but it took us almost seven because we had to stop so many times along the way to look at a view or check out an antique shop! We ae staying at a B&B just across from the ocean. Today we wentto a classic car show in a field in Taipa and then across to the west coast in search of the Ahipara Surfing Championships, but a four wheel drive vehicle was needed. We walked for a while along the rocks, but didn't get too far. I was in sandals, and Buzz was barefoot..enough said!!
More next week...
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