Malaysian Hospitality
As mush as we all scoff at the MAS tagline "Hospitality with a Smile" it is infact so true. Im not talking about MAS but as a nation. Its interesting how we diss own people without knowing how other races from different countries are.
It is true malaysian are a bit hard to approach initially as compared to the typical kwai low. Thats in actual fact cause we are shy people and to be able to safe guard our image, we put on lan si front to make it seem that we are very self confident. Kwai loh on the other hand will talk to u easily cause he is not shy.
But once you break that initial barrier, the Malaysian Hospitality starts oozing. From my experiences overseas, i have to say tht Malaysians are a kind bunch and very willing to help even if it means going out the way. Its a great sight to see. Try asking a kwai lo to go the exra mile for u when its not something that has to do with work... see if he turns around and tell you that you are imposing on his free time :) haha... try it and see. i think very often we mix up our Malaysian shy personality for arrogance. Well no one is perfect, and im not saying all Malaysians are great, but when you travel you realise that the rest of the world is not really that much better then your own home. When we are at home though we always assume people outside are better.
I have to say i have come across many malaysians at random times and many have been very very helful. Im sure all the people im talking about know who they are. Thank You guys so much along the way. You guys make me feel proud to say that im Malaysian as well :)
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