I know I didn't write a blog for the last few days of our trip, but I couldn't as we were so busy. Now we have left Morocco and are back in London. It definitely didn't feel like time to come home, but I guess I can always go back: which I will, again and again, so it's ok.
Thursday was the best day of surfing for the entire trip. All of us had decided we wanted to go surf somewhere new as when your abroad it's nice to see more than just the same beach everyday. Zac drove us an hour and a half to a bay called 'Mystery'. This is the place where he had told us about his two minute ride on a wave. Even though it was a long drive it was still really nice, it goes through hills and along the ocean. We even stopped to see goats hanging out in the trees.
It was about midday I suppose by the time we arrived at Mystery bay and felt like the coldest and windiest day so far. With the tide being high the waves were not so good and with the wind as well the other side was way too rough. Adam and Martin went to have a go anyway so us three girls went to have a little look at the few restaurants around. In fairness there is not much else at all at this bay besides the amazing waves when the timing is right. All the restaurants were pretty overpriced so we went to a place that didn't say it was a restaurant, but it must've been as the man said he would cook us some food. Other locals were coming in and eating there also. The price he gave us for everything was the same as for one dish in the other places, so certainly worth it. And I think we have the hang of how you mix and pour tea in Morocco now.
I was feeling a little disheartened when we came to the bay at the beginning as the waves looked a bit scary at first with incredibly strong wind, but after sitting in the car and watching for about 45 minutes we saw a surf school going into the water. When we could see that they were right in the middle and the water still only came just to their waists, I felt more confident about going in. And then after Zac said he was gonna go in too I felt even safer because I knew he could always be there to help us. So even though we didn't get in till about 3:30pm we still had a good three hours of quality surfing!
As we climbed in I did have a moment of panic when Zac told me to just hop in and put my feet on the ground and at the same time I could hear Laurence saying something about the water. Turned out there was nothing there and she was just saying it was shallow! I'm obviously just a baby when it comes to putting my feet where I can't see them!
So Mystery bay happened to be the best place I, or even the others have surfed before. If anyone has even been to or surfed at Byron bay in Australia then mystery bay is like the Moroccan version of Byron bay. Although it's better in the sense that there are far less people so you don't get crowded or have to wait for a wave, and also you surf all the way to the end, hop out and walk all the way back to the beginning and go again. It was shallow enough all the way so you could walk with your board through the water. Laurence and I did this for a while until we realised that it was far easier to do like the others were doing and just get out and walk back up. So it was just one big, fun circle of surfing. What was good was that it turned out to be the perfect spot for beginners like me as well as advanced surfers like Zac and his friends. Even I could catch a wave and ride it for ages. I managed to ride halfway down the bay (which is pretty long for me) and each time I got out I kept telling myself "ok, just one more time." I must've said that about ten times. I had to stop in the end as it just got too cold for me and I couldn't feel my hands and feet, and seeing as the sun was getting lower in the sky it was starting to get even colder. But it really was the best surfing I have done yet. And seeing as Laurence and Martin also both said the same then it must be good.
We came back to the surf school base to drop the two boards we used from there before leaving and saw Zac's other surf instructor friends. And what do they tell me? "Good job, but you need to get your bum down. It's always up in the air when you ride and I wanted to come and just kick you to get it down!" This is the bane of my life at the minute. I am like Miley Cyrus on a surf board, surfing and twerking. I can't stop twurfing. So now I need to practice my pop up and keep my arse DOWN.
Yesterday it rained all day. We had been pre-warned so we had already decided that we would go to Agadir in the afternoon on this day. Seeing as it rained from about 9am we just went straight to the city instead of surfing first. At least we still got to do one more early morning yoga session with Sally!
We went to the 'souk' or market which was cool to see, but shopping really isn't my thing. When I think that every person wants to 'give me a good price' but each time I go to the next stall it's gonna get even cheaper then it seems like a drag. As well as the fact I'd have to carry everything back home. Laurence obviously had a good time and went on her own to shop, as well as Freyda (the newcomer to our surfing gang). Freyda and the two boys ended up getting collared and sat down in a stall while the vendor gave them tea. Of course they bought some spices and some kind of rock or mineral I think for an extortionate amount of money. But it's all part if the fun when your on holiday. The most I bought was a little bracelet with different colored gems and tiny bells on it, so now it jingles constantly, which I'm sure is not gonna wind me or anyone else around me up. Thankfully Nelly wasn't feeling the market either, so once we all regrouped we were all happy to leave.
We did witness some more of Moroccan culture in the market. Lots of the people wear what looks a Jedi cloak, so sometimes I feel like I am wondering around Tatooine and I half expect a light saber battle to happen or an imperial ship to land. There is a mosque there and about midday we saw hundreds of Moroccan men outside of it praying. I guess they must be much more rigorous about their religion in the city as one old man seemed to get pretty upset about Freyda having her lovely blonde hair down, regardless that she was covered. Can't get everything right!
For the afternoon we went to a spa to have a Hammam scrub. I guess it's the same as a Turkish bath (not that I would know as I've not had one) and us four girls went in together. We all got given a sexy little thong to wear, which apparently is standard attire as Martin later revealed to us he also got given one, and sat in a hot steamy room for absolutely ages. I was definitely ready to get out of that room by the end! But I imagine it was very good for our skin and everything. After sitting in there for what must've been about 20 minutes the two ladies who put us in there came back with scrubby mittens and scrubbed us all over. They rubbed some black stuff on us and left us again for a while. When they eventually came back they splashed water over us and then washed our hair too. I wish I had the lady who did Nelly and Laurence's hair as she was so gentle and they looked like they were relaxing and enjoying real luxury. Our lady just dumped water on our head and it was just like how your mother washes your hair when your a kid. We had a massage to finish off, which is always nice, but you could really feel how sore your muscles are from a week of surfing. I felt very close to my masseur at the end when she linked my arm like a school girl and led me back to the changing room. But really, it was a wonderful spa experience to end our week.
And this brings us to today. Our final half day of holiday and surfing. We did go for one last surf this morning. However as it was so stormy yesterday (thunder and lightening included) that the sea was rather murky and not so clean, plus the waves were not great. Very choppy with lots of white wash everywhere. But of course we had to go out as we don't live there and you need to make the most of everything when you can, don't you! After a short while though it just became too much and was too hard with the current dragging you down the coast each time you try to get out so we gave up and just went for some last lunch together.
And this is the end of the journey. This time anyway. Morocco has been truly amazing and I know I will be making repeat visits. I have some things to work on now before I surf again, but I know I've advanced a lot during this trip. I feel like I'm becoming even more obsessed with surfing now and I am going to be dreaming of waves.
One thing I will try to remember is the advice we were given by a surfer from Venezuela right before we left, even with his broken English sounds just perfect; "don't forget about this feeling, when it's just you and your friends and the waves. When you get stressed just remember being there"
- comments
Grandma thank you Lizzie, great to read about your surfing, very proud of you. x