September 23 to September 30 (Wednesday to Wednesday)
So this week the list for the Spanish language course was to be posted at the library BUT because Monday and Tuesday were holiday's the list will not be posted until next week. Welcome to Spanish bureaucracy. Well that put a wrench in the works as I thought I would be able to start organizing my next few months.
So on to the next endeavor. Trying to figure out my cell phone voice mail and how much calls are costing me. So into the shop I go with my questions written down in Spanish and the girl was soooo helpful. NOT!!!!! You would think that as I have written down the questions they would figure out that I am not fluent in Spanish. NO. They would read the question and then talk to me a million miles an hour and I would stare at them with a blank expression on my face until I got so frustrated I would walk out of the store. My recommendation to everyone that goes to Spain is to not get an Orange SIM card unless you can speak Spanish. After three attempts with thee different employees I have giving up and am now trying to figure it out online with Google translation software. If you do try to call me and I don't answer just let the lady finish speaking Spanish and then leave me a message. I have not been able to put on a personal message yet.
The next joy was trying to open a bank account. Three attempts later I met a very helpful gentleman in Banco de Valencia that had enough English and with my limited Spanish (and my dictionary) we were able to open an account. A WIN!
Now to try and get an "Internet anywhere" stick. Vodafone was able to help me and the girls in the shop were great. They were even kind enough to get it totally set up so all I needed to do was plug it into my computer and it worked. I wish I knew that Vodafone would be so helpful. I would have had my cell phone arranged though them as well. Live and learn.
Paloma and Jose Luis invited me for Sunday lunch. Paloma taught me how to make paella but the deal was we needed to finish the cooking at my apartment as paella is better cooked over an open flame (even if it is a gas flame). I volunteered to make dessert. I managed to make flan which was very, very yummy. The paella was excellent as well and I have the recipe now so beware there will be a paella day when I get home.
So now we are at Monday Sept 28 and the class list should be posted. You know the answer to that one right......they hope by Friday maybe!!!! So much for classes starting this week. The highlight of the week was the arrival of the worst storm in 12 years. RAIN, WIND, RAIN and more RAIN. Major flooding and people were stranded for hours trying to get home.
October 1 - October 7 (Wed - Wed)
I went to the local market on Thursday. Lots of local produce and a number of stalls with cheap clothes and shoes. My big buy was a new pair of shoes. A bit dressier than my hiking shoe and travelling sandals. The prices for fruit and vegetables are very reasonable and fresh but not all local. I can also buy dried sardines and bacalao (salted cod) in the market but I have not dared that yet. Just the smell is enough to make me keep walking.
Lunch on Sunday with Paloma and Jose Luis. Hake (fish) and pea soup. Very good. I am enjoying spending time with Paloma and Jose Luis. They have made me feel very much like one of the family. When they move back to Castellon I will miss them. Next week they are taking me with them when they go to the north east area of Spain. We leave on Thursday afternoon.
Guess classes started! October 6. Three weeks after I arrived. At least my instructor is not hard to look at. David will make the 4 hours per week enjoyable I'm sure. I will have class on Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours (4-6 PM). That lasted one week before being changed to Wednesday and Thursday. Plus this week is a long weekend (holiday on Friday) so only one class this week. The other students are from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Russia and Brazil.
I am also taking another Spanish class on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8:15 to 9:45 PM with a lady named Pilar. Her teaching methods are quite different and I think I will actually learn more in her class than David's class. Her style suits my learning style better. This is a more basic class and there are only 4 of us. One from France, two Brits and myself. Wednesday is going to be long day for me with nearly 4 hours of classes.
I will have nearly 8 hours of Spanish classes a week. Hopefully I can start to understand a bit of what is being said.
Take care of yourselves and your families. I miss everyone.
Love Tove
PS Photo album Benicassim 2
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