Ok. I guess I´ll have to start practicing this blogging since we keep telling people we´ll keep updating our blog :-).
Booked our tickets - or atleast some of them - for the trip around the world today. We´ll be leaving on the 15 of November when we get home from USA/Canada and France.
For now , our itinerary looks like this ; Copenhagen - Helsinki - Seoul - Tokyo - Manilla - Kota kinabalu - Brunei - Taipei - Rangoon - Bangkok - Sydney - Brisbane - Christchurch - Vanuatu - Fiji - Tonga - Buenos aires - Lima - Quito - Santiago - Havanna - Copenhagen.
A lot of destinations for 6 months, but if it seems too much, we´ll skip a couple of them :-)
Not really that excited yet . We still have tons of preparations before leaving, But it´ll come :-)
- comments
Birger Looking good looking good...and looking foward to following your trip around the world :)
Helle Hvor bliver det bare spændende at følge jer på jeres drømmerejse fra sidelinien. Vi glæder os til lange beretninger, smukke billeder og levende kommunikation, så vi næsten føler at vi selv er der. Rigtig god tur. Knus fra Helle
Lise-Lotte Nielsen Kære Jessica Jeg vil ønske dig og din familie en rigtig god og oplevelserig rejse rund i verden, kunne godt tænke at tage samme tur, men glæder mig til at høre om jeres. Held og lykke på rejsen. knus fra Lise-Lotte