Mathilde and I were up early for another day of diving. First up was Canal Seymour after we had checked all of the equipment again. Today I was only diving with Tito and Mathilde instead of with the instructers from the day before.
The visibility was pretty good and it didn't take long before a sealion joined in the fun chasing fish around. Soon after we also found white tipped reef sharks resting on the bottom and got as close as we dared to pose for photos. We were down for about 45 minutes in total and I also saw my first manta ray in the distance. We also spotted sting rays, eagle rays and stone fish on the dive which was certainly more productive than Gordon Rocks the day before.
Back on board we rested for an hour or so and ate lunch on the boat with some sea lions as our audience. Once we were fed and watered we went to our second dive spot at Punta Seymour. Again it was just Tito, Mathilde and I and it was an awesome dive. We must have seen about 30 white tipped reef sharks resting on the bottom. At one point there was 10 altogether resting on the floor. We got even closer all in the name of good photos this time too. We saw turtles, eels, sea snakes, sting rays and lots and lots of fish. It was excellent and at the end of it all rather than a conventional safety stop for 3 minutes at 5m deep we had a party stop. This meant 3 minutes of underwater dancing pulling as many shapes as possible until our bodies were nitrogen free.
We climbed backon board and headed once more to calm waters where we rested, and rested we did. Once the anchor was down everyone on board slept for about an hour in the sun before we headed on to the final dive site Mosquera Norte. On this dive we also went with one of the instructers and 2 other tourists. We saw sting rays and dived along the edge of a huge cliffdrop. The visibility was nowhere near as good as it had been previously though so we didn't see that much. After half an hour the others went up and left Tito, Mathilde and I to continue diving. We managed to find an underwater archway which we all dived through before surfacing to watch the sunset. It was an awesome day diving.
Before we headed for land we zoomed over to a large sailing boat for a spot of dinner onboard which was a good way to round the days diving off.
On the way back to Puerto Ayora we stopped off at some sinkholes located in the heart of the island. They were so strange as the land just disappeared with a 50m drop down to the trees below. Once we had taken a few snaps we got back in the taxi and headed for town. That evening was the last on the island but everyone was pretty tired from the diving. We went out for one last menu of the day dinner together and then turned in for the evening.
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