Tom's Round The World Adventure.
Had an awesome few days since last update, lots of beer drinking but more importantly i have been out and seen lots of Melbourne which has been brilliant. Relaxed on Friday (I think, i cant actually remember back that far!) Went to St Kilda for several beers and a few games of pool in the evening. I was all ready to have a relaxing Saturday aswell but ended up going back to St Kilda to a pub called The Espy where they have various bands playing each night, we watched The Lazy Sons which 2 of the lads i know peform in and also Jessy worked that night as he is the sound engineer. My small pot of beer really was not exciting me so i went and bought myself a jug instead! Left The Espy about 10.30 and went to a club called The NightCat with Jessy and Jimbo, it is a Latino type place and is wall to wall with fit birds, trust a weird one to come up and talk to me as soon as i got in there! I managed to ditch her after about half an hour and got talking to a couple of blonde Aussies, so had a good night with them. Jimbo was shocked at my ability to drink more than anyone else as he was double parked for most of the night and my beers were going down like water! That seems to be happening alot lately! Jessy headed home with Dee so me and Jimbo decided to grab a cab down to The Crown Casino! Had such an amazing night, the casino was f**ing incredible! absolutely amazing. At one point i walked away from the roulette with a nice wad of cash, but ended up going back after a few beers in the bar, somehow managed to get my winnings to $1000 after only betting $70! I rang my dad, it was 6am in Australia, because i was so drunkenly excited, he said he would call me back, so i thought while i wait i will have one more spin on the roulette table, i never got that phone call and by 8am i was down to my last $5, thanks dad! I went on got a Mcdonalds breakfast with Jimbo as that was all i could afford! Got back to the house at 10am and crashed out in a drunken mess till about 5pm. Went and picked up a takeaway and some beer from the shop and just spent the night chilling playing the playstation with the boys. Woke up early today to find that i had been seriously asaulted by mosquitos during the night, i have 15 bites all together, 3 on my face and they are huge! So its not been the most comfortable of days! Went in to town and booke my flight to Cairns, i leave Melbourne Airport Wednesday Morning at 8am and arrive in Cairns at 12.30pm, i have been checking out the hostels on the internet today and they look amazing, and its still so hot up there to, about 30 degrees! Went and picked up yet anothere takeaway and more beer for tonight and am about to walk down to The Public Bar as it is $4 jug night again, the beer is s*** but you can not complain at that price! No doubt stumble home in the early hours, hopefully i will not crack my chin open like i did the last time i left there! My chin is much better by the way. I am getting ready for some hardcore drinking all day tomorrow as it is my last day in Melbourne also have a poker night in the evening. Going to look for a job when i get to Cairns as money is getting low! If you can not tell by all my journal entries, i am having a fantasic time and would not change this for the world. I do think of you all (Sometimes!) and i hope you are all as well and as happy as i am right now. Sarah and Charmaine i hope you have cut down on your drinking, come to Australia instead i will show you how to do it properly!
Dad i dont hold you responsible for me losing all my winnings at the casino, pay me back my $1000 pal and i wont hold a grudge :)
I never want to come home!
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