Tom's Round The World Adventure.
Oh i have such a hard life! All this sun, all of the beer and most importantly all of the women............ really make this a difficult experience for me! Haha, b******s! Cairns is fantastic, went to Shanningans last night to the sports bar and watched the boxing, Mundine V's Green, Man V's Machine, everyone in the bar was cheering on Green so me and a couple of eEnglish lads i met were cheering on Mundine much to the dis pleasure of the crowd, f**k em! It was a great night, left the bar and went to Pinnochios Pizza place about 1am and got some food, it took ages but i was hungry. Woke up today about 9am and opened my curtains to see a tropical rain storm, to scared of going out and getting wet (Im now allergic to rain) i decided to sit on my balcony and cry over the fact that the sun was not out. It cleared up eventually though so me and Ben walked in to town to pick up some food, i bought myself some thongs and we also grabbed a couple of tickets for The Di Vinci Code for this evening. Went to the pub next door when we got back and had a couple if jugs of beer at $8 a time, bloody lovely!
I have to go now, i need to shave.....................
Love to you all x
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