The Fantastic Adventures of J
Ive decided to keep my part of the journal as brief as i can. i have already started a day to day journal in a diary and will record most of my experiences here.
I think the best and most fun wat to use this space is to put all of our pictures on here so that people can see all of the amazing things we have seen. if i caption them well enough im sure everyone will get an idea of what we have done.
im not sure when i will be able to do this but its likely to be in another 2 weeks when we hit Singapore.
India is stunning. there is an amazing photo on every corner. we have already seen so many unbelievable things. and yes, we have both been on (and survived!) a tuk-tuk ride!
im a bit under the weather. no, not delhi belly. ive got a flipping cold! its been really hectic since we arrived too so we are both very tired. im off for a kip. a group of us are off to the theatre later to see a bollywood movie. not sure what type, i think they voted earlier. it had better not be a romance!
hopefully ill be feeling brighter and a lot more creative next time i write. id like to think future entries will be a bit more detailed but for now i just thought id get the ball rolling!
and sorry if the spelling is rubbish, the computer im on here is a bit naf to sy the leats and i can hardly see what im typing!
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