Only an hour to go before I take you both to Heathrow!! I know you'll have a fantastic time and I wish you both all the best. Make sure you buy a postcard of everywhere you go even if you don't post them. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA FOR THE 4TH OF JULY. Should be some good celebrations for you in the US.
What no swearing???? Am off then lol.
Only joking guys Im sure I can manage. Anyways best of luck for your round the world jaunt. Hope you two have a great time. At least you where here for the mammoth beating we gave the aussies over the past week (ok 2-1 but you cant win them all right).
Hope you are going to keep this site up to date so we can all marvel at your exploits. Hopefully by the next time I see you I will have a training contract but we shall certainly see.
Have a quality time and let us know if you bump into any travelling scousers ha ha.
I think ill leave it at that for this post... no wait...
Sorry had to be done seeing as I aint said that in a while!
Matt Daddy
Hey folks, couldn't let you go without passing on two things. First of all, congratulations are in order on completing all the neccessary arrangments, I know that it's not an easy thing to organise but you're gonna have a crackin' time by the looks of things. Secondly, I admire the courage you both have to travel to distant lands in search of adventure. This will definatley be something to tell your future kids about. Stay in touch and remember the old Brummie lesson, if someone tries to mug you - hit them really, really hard. Bring me back a stick of rock. Safe journey x
hey guys i know u havnt left the country yet....but this site looks wicked!!!!..yay!!!..wish id been a bit more organised for my travel adventures..all the best for ur trip tho il ring u asap..miss u both loads and hope to see u on ur trip somewhere..lulu xxxxx
Anna Faulder
You're a very clever beast, setting all this up!! I can't wait to get our first pictures from NY up there!!! How EXCITING!!!!! xxx
Deborah Vine
Looks good but odd things happening with menu area encroaching over your names?
The site looks wicked & I think it is a great idea...can't believe there is only 3 weeks to go....I am going to miss you guys SO much!!! xxxxxxx
Hello, this is the first message to go up. Just to be on the safe side a polite notice regarding message board etiquette... Please do not swear or discuss anything inappropriate, rude, or malicious. The site will be viewed by people of all ages, including family, friends and workmates, so please bear that in mind when writing.