I'm guessing that you guys stuck to your itinery and thus are back in the UK now, but what a cracking site. Hope you guys had a great time. All the best
Solicitor Breems
hello to you both, i can imagine that you are now both back in sunny old uk. U guys forgot to visit one destination on your travels. That is good old grimsby town with its magnificent views, friendly locals and home to the largest range of fish. Well im actually living in eastbourne working for a firm of solicitors. I am currently saving up to visit New York and Las vegas in April so should be fun. Sounds like you both had one hell of a trip from seeing some of the pics u took on ya travels. Hope all is well and i wish you a happy christmas and fabbo new year.
P.S if you are buying or selling a house, or you know of anyone selling or buying a property give me a buzz. I probably could save you alot of money or any other queries give me an email.
Take care guys, regards andy (aka breems)
its approaching that time again bill!!!! what time is this your asking?....
haircut time!!!i know you enjoy it so much!!!
hope you have had a good time away!
Will see you 2 very very soon.
Hey guys just a quickie on your last day away to say i can't wait to see you both and hear all the stories! Am so proud and impressed that you have both managed to do and see so much. Have a great christmas, i'm sure we'll speak soon, love and kisses xxx me
hey..i cant believe you are coming home in a few days it crazy...really looking forward to having u both back in boring old england. Have a safe flight!!! love lucy xx
Anna And Tom
Hi, thanks for all your messages, We can't believe that we have done so much aswell! We are looking forward to seeing everyone over Christmas. Disney sounds fun! I (Anna) have been a bit unwell, Couldn't keep anything down yesterday, not even water! I think it's due to the malaria tablets, so I'm going to stay off them for now and just douce myself in mozz spray. We are off to Agra today, so we will be seeing the Taj Mahal tomorrow! woo hoo! Jaipur has been good, (what I've seen of it), Tom had to do sightseeing on his own yesterday unfortunately. Anyway, haven't felt too bad today, so feeling positive. Take care and see you in a few days! x x x x
Steph. Martin, Owen & Isobel
Hi Tom & Anna - looks and sounds like you're having an excellent adventure (bodacious), can't wait to hear your stories. We're all at Dad's for our pre-Christmas family get together - with Jack & Nick.
We probably won't see you over the holidays as we're off to Disney on 29th Dec, but we'll see you early in the New Year.
Have a good journey home, and we'll see you soon.
The Haly's
Aunt Sal Aka Farley
Just been browsing through your latest pics. Just amazing that you've done so much, and cant believe we'll be seeing you in just over a week!
Christmas party season started up this week, and I'm almost partied out already (over 50's cant stand the pace anymore). Off to another tonight, should be good though cos we're all dressing up in evening garb...even Chris has to dress up!!
Suzanni being picked up from Uni tomorrow.
See you at Grandpa's on Boxing Day. Really looking forward to seeing you both again.
Have fun on your last few days away!
Lots of love from all of us to you both, and have a safe journey home. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tom And Anna
Hi Everyone, the other day we wrote about the change in format and provided a new website if people wanted to go back to the way things were. After emailing the website administrators they have put things back to how they were on the old web address (offexploring.com/tomandanna) with the added bonus of not having to put up with STA Travel adverts. Anyway, we are in Jaipur now, which is very nice, we are staying in a very reasonably priced hotel, where we've got a great room. We had a horrendous journey here from Udaipur though. The overnight sleeper bus was just a nightmare, the windows didn't close properly, so we were suffering practically freezing temperatures all night, not to mention the sheet (or should I say dusty carpet) that we had to lie on, which stank like sick. On top of this was the fact that we were on the top deck above the wheels, suspension = NONE! We felt like we were tossed salad all night long. Needless to say we didn't get any sleep whatsoever, but have been catching up on it today in the hotel room. We can afford to do this cause we have organised a tour of the city for tomorrow, and the hotel have arranged our transport to Agra, so we have it all to look foward to. Thankfully, the next bus is a conventional sit sown, pleasent day trip (only 5 hrs or so) so that's not so bad. Anyway, hope everyone is in festive spirits. See you in just under a week now. Tom and Anna x
From Fiji to Ireland - it's a long way! Hey folks, just found your address couple days ago. Dead jealous with all those months of travel you've been on post Fiji. Recognise a few places along the way i must say, Nelly the elephant in Thailand, Bondi etc!
Glad to see ye're having a ball! Enjoy your last few days in India!
Happy Christmas!
Tom And Anna
For reasons unknown to us, the website format has been altered, and we're not sure if we like it. If you'd prefer to see things more like the way we've been used to viewing them, please use this alternative link, just copy and paste; www.onlinetraveldiary.co.uk/tomandanna/ and it will look back to normal.
Geoff & Sue
It was worth all the download time for your lovely photos! Hope you are enjoying India and the last part of your epic adventure. It's hard to believe 6 months have passed and this time next week you will be making tracks to fly home - it will be great to see you both. Take care. xxxx