Dear Tom and Anna,
We are very impressed with the website - it's great to be able to follow your trip, it seems like we are there with you - WE WISH!! Sounds like you are already having a marvellous time and you've only just started. Have printed off your first postcard for Nanny Vine and Margaret. (We had a good family get-together at Roger and Ann's for Ben and Mila, and Mila's dad, on Sunday.)
Anyway, take care and we'll be watching your progress with interest!! Geoff and Sue xx
Anna And Tom
Hi guys!
thanks for all your messages, hope you have enjoyed the photos!!
Had a great birthday, 4th July was awesome!!!
Greg: Sorry we forgot to say happy birthday!!! But, hope you had a good one!!! Let me know how life in Nottingham is going!!!
Mum Vine: Where are the addresses for people so I can send some postcards?
Mum Faulder: I second that!
Owen: Hope you enjoyed the picture of Leonardo!
Everyone else: Keep sending us messages, it's nice to see when we log on!!!
Dad and Jack/Amy/Sion: Please make sure that Dad and Jack have been viewing the site!!
Take care everyone!!
Phone doesn't work by the way!!
Also, check out our postcard's page!!
lots of love
Anna and Tom
Clare & Jim
Sorry - couldn't get on the computer yesterday but hope you had a Happy Birthday. Like the photos (does Samuel L Jackson always look like a dummy !!!).
Lots of love
Clare & Jim
Mikey F
happy birthday and many happy wishes for ye'day anna. I hope you'll havin a good time in the big apple. i sincerely hope u have stuffed your faces wid burgers and milkshakes. i hope the fireworks were brilliant.
c ya
Marie (Nhsp)Vivien
Hi Tom & Anna, I think this site is great and such a good way to keep in touch without costing an arm or a leg.
Plus we get to see your pics before you get back! You are such a clever dickie setting this up. Well its obvious you are having great time. Where are you now? Wherever you are its got to be better than being here. Have fun and keep the pics coming. Marie P.S Don't forget the magnets and I sussed it out all by myself!
Gran, Grandpa Katy & Marcus
Many Happy Returns from us all. Hope the trip is going well and that you are having a good day. Love and best wishes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA and thanks for the phone call. This is such a good way to keep in touch. I don't know how we're going to manage while we're away cos we haven't found a way to access the internet with mobile phone and laptop! If anyone out there does please let me know!!!
Hope u have a great time in Washington - LOL MUM
Hey yo! Spanna and Tom! Happy birthday Span (it was mine yesterday you know!). Hey both of you, bust up some mad styles in tha NYC for me! Get mad flavorsome in a America area! Word.
Watch out for terrorists and P.I.M.P's in the Big Apple.
Siony B
Lucky you posted the board ettiquette message before i revealed Tom and Anna's secret 'life of vice' on the mean streets of Chislehurst! Anyway, i bring good and bad messages today... Anna many happy returns on your 20th, (ahem) and Tom, sorry mate but Eric has decided i make a better surrogate son and has given me your room and all your worldly possessions. However, you are more than welcome to make use of the sleeping bags and cushions upon your return to blighty!
Kind regards,
The Earl of Lewisham
Happy birthday Anna.
Enjoy the fireworks!
Where better to celebrate it than the big apple?! you guys look like you're having an amazing time it's so nice to be able to look at the photos! am sat in my office pretending to do work and seething with jealousy!!!
Everything here is the same - you guys really arn't missing anything (except me!) so forget any homesick thoughts and enjoy you're extended holiday!
Loads of love and kisses xxxx Cat
p.s: i finally passed my driving test!!! go vroom vroom!!!
Hr Department
Dear Anna,
Hope you are having a fantastic time in NEW YORK!! We jsut wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY . hope that you are having a brill day