Tom & Anna's World Tour
Greetings all,
We have finally made it to Asia, Thailand is so far great, though we are pretty skint, but we are in the process of aleiviating our money situation. It's ridiculously cheap here though we have managed to book a 20 day trip with travel, accommodation, and breakfasts included, also a day trip from Bangkok where we will be going Elephant riding! All for the sum of 187 quid, not bad eh! India is hopefully going to be even cheaper. Bangkok is a pretty mad place, lots going on, and apart from places with the traffic police it's crazy on the roads. We get about mostly on tuk tuks like in the picture, it's about 50p for a 10min journey. They are also football crazy here, just watched the champions league last night and more tonight.
Hope everyone is well,
Tom and Anna
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