Lame, lame, rubbish, lame, yes it's been much too long since we've updated the blog, but good news we are still alive and well!
So in quick summary cos the internet is bloody expensive to use in Australia...
We stayed in Vietnam for about another week after our last blog post, heading steadily down the country passing through Da Lat and finally Saigon.
Da Lat was a very nice place and very different to what we'd come to expect of Vietnam, lots of beautiful mountains and countryside which we spent the few days we had here exploring. One day we hired a moped and had a fun day whizzing through the crazy roads and horning everyone in rush hour, we felt like proper locals!! We also climed Liangbiang mountain, which is the highest in south Vietnam or something like that, well worth as the fews were stunning and even better that we did it on our own rather than paying a company $25 to do exactly the same trip!
We took a long bus ride down to Saigon or Ho Chi Min City as it's officially called (but very few people do). Saigon was a great city, very touristy but lots going off. We did a few history things and went round the Reunification palace which still has the Vietminh tanks in the grounds which they stormed the gates with back in the 70's.
Singapore was our next stop where we were stunned at the cost of everything after weeks of bargin Asia prices for everything. The shopping is really good though and Amy would easily have spent her whole budget on the markets had I not stopped her! We had a night going to Raffles too and had a rather pricy Singapore Sling but it was rather nice and the bar was cool, everyone throws their peanut shells on the floor so you get a satisfying crunch as you walk around the place!
We arrived in Sydney about 4 days ago and a settling well into the Antipodean lifestyle... We had a few days in a spider ridden hostel on Manly beach before moving across to the Central City where we are now. We've generally spent our time going to the Harbour to see the bridge and Opera house which never fails to impress no matter how many times you see it and exlporing the surrounding beaches. I had a nostalgic trip to Coogee Beach yesterday, where we did the costal walk across to Bondi, watching the Sunset and the hundreds of surfers fighting to catch the huge waves.
So rather brief, but it's take for ever to go into lots of detail as it's been too long! The plan now is to travel to Melbourne on Tuesday and have a week or so down there, then work out a way to get up to Brisbane.
Love to all,
Tom and Amy xxx
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