So we're back in Auckland. We'll be here for the next four months working our butts off. We've decided to be cliché and get jobs as waiters in restaurants by night so we can pursue our creativity by day. For Abi that's finding gigs to sing at, whether in restaurants, bars or clubs. For me that's writing a novel. Sounds rather romantic doesn't it?
We also had our photo shoot for the model and talent agency we're now a part of. Was good fun! Abi loved it for some reason. Think the fact that she got to dress up and have a camera pointed solely at her might have had something to do with it. I enjoyed it too, although I feel slightly less of a man for having to wear make-up. Feel even less of a man for the fact that I didn't wash it off until the next day... my excuse being that I had a couple of spots and it covered them (ahem).
We're in a new apartment which is so big you can swing a cat's tail in it. Swinging a cat would cause it to smack against every wall in the place and that's if we're standing in the centre of the room. It's a nice place though. The walls are thick, so any nymphomaniac sounds from next door can't be heard. Of course, our sounds might be drowning theirs out, who knows? Oh my, I'm writing about sex with my wife, how rude.
We do love the apartment though, as it's really close to everything we need, i.e. the cinema, bars and shops. Genius.
We're excited about what the next few months could bring as we're exploring hard, different avenues for our creativity. We're determined to make something happen and see our hard work pay off. Watch this space people. My word, I'm so unoriginal.
Well, stay safe and let us know how you all are. Thanks for the messages on the message board. We can't reply to them as it's simply a board for messages (clue's in the title I guess), but we're thankful for your kind words.
Take care and God bless.
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