Slashing, Spag Bol, Digging, Sunburn and Stars!
Hello :)
I have just come off the phone to mum and dad, had a look at the amazing stars and snuggled up in my little tent :)
Today I woke up after a good nights sleep that actually did turn pretty cold at times. However, it wasn't raining, I felt well and we all enjoyed a great breakfast of sausage, eggs and beans! It was cloudy and cool which was good for project work so we set off ready for a hard graft project session. My group was on the firebreak project first which basically meant slashing, chopping, a path through thick grass to prevent fire spreading. This was hard work and pretty boring to be honest! It didn't take long for the team to get bored and keeping teenagers engaged is much more challenging than Year 3's.... However, almost as if I had planned it, a herd of Zebra walked by with a couple of Antelope. We were really close to them so we took advantage and took lots of pictures! :) On our way back to camp we collected some fire wood to keep the fire going that warms our shower water. When we got back to camp we realised that even though it had been cloudy all morning and pretty cool we had all burnt! Non more so than the leader himself, me! I spend all my time preaching about cream and water and then end up with a vest burnt onto my chest! Great!
Lunch was Spag Bol and it was just amazing!
For the afternoon I wore my long sleeved project shirt and grabbed my hoe, a type of tool. This time we went to the water hole project which is basically about digging a reservoir to catch water for the wildlife next time it rains. The morning group had done a great job and we carried on, hoeing and shoveling all afternoon. I had a call from the UK and had to compete some paperwork in between but all in all it was a great afternoon :)
Tonight I had a great bucket shower with warm water! I then listened to some music, charged my electronics when the generator came on and read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Y6 Prep). I also braved the long drop toilet with a peg on my nose, I actually did it and it worked! I am very pleased to confirm in writing we are back to normal :)
Tomorrow we have another exciting day planned but I will leave that until tomorrow night. The spread of D+V seems to have stopped but some kids have thrown up because of the heat I think. We will see what happens tomorrow...
As I go to sleep I can hear lots of dogs barking, grasshoppers hissing and the odd laugh from the people still star gazing on the log.
Night x
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