Tuesday night I had dinner at the project then cycled back with a couple of the Germans. It was the scariest thing I've done on this 4 month trip- I'm rubbish on a bike anyway but the bike was too big, the brakes didn't work and it was pitch black! The roads are full of potholes and it had been raining, plus I didn't have a light and so was trying to follow the faint outline of the Germans while balancing precariously, dodging potholes/occasional traffic and trying not to fall. Felt like it took longer than walking it and I have a new respect for speedway riders! Maybe it's cos I don't drive and I'm not used to being in control of a moving vehicle. But I made it and before the rain set in! Unfortunately, my clean bed sheet had been hanging out in the afternoon downpour so was still wet- Fima's sheet saved the day once again. Another power cut but not quite so hot tonight thanks to the rain.
Wednesday: I needed a shower so thought I'd have one while the Germans were still sleeping off their hangover- but the shower doesn't work so its just filling a bucket with cold water and pouring it over yourself. I braved cycling to the project alone and luckily found the way without falling off. Had breakfast there and then spent some time with one of the lads and in the classroom which is really a hut. Some local people had donated a lunch and so turned up with some good food- soya, grapes, etc. Then we played some games before the school kids left. I decided to walk back and not wait for dinner, as I had a big lunch and can't handle rice 3 times a day! I walked halfway then a guy on a moped offered me a lift- he must be used to volunteers as he even knew where to drop me. I visited the local village stall and got some fruit and veg, although it is a small village and so very limited. It reminds me so much of Africa- the stalls, people greeting me everywhere, power cuts, the squat toilets, bucket showers and villagers walking to collect water and living in huts and cooking on open fires. I appreciate even more how lucky I was with my amazing house in Uganda while on placement! But it is a true experience living in this place and I can handle it for a month. And the east coast don't get hit by the monsoon like the west, so it is mostly dry, sunny and hot! Average of 35c. No power cut tonight- so the luxury of a fan!
Thursday: I started walking to the project; but again a guy on a moped gave me a lift most of the way! I met the family of one the boys which was useful and interesting- they had come specially to see me. Im mainly doing 1-1 assessment/therapy sessions and assisting/helping with the lessons, etc. On Saturday I will do a workshop for the staff and will also start running some life skills sessions for the pupils/residents. There is a tendency to hit- both the staff and residents resort to violence far too often or to locking them in rooms, which is a bit disturbing and my first workshop focuses on "behaviour management". The biggest problem is the language barrier, it means I don't really know what's happening in the day, but there does seem a lack of structure or organisation?! And I can't just get on with stuff as I can't speak with the residents/pupils, so I don't feel I'm being as constructive as I'd like. We had lunch donated again by a film star as part of his birthday celebrations- his brother and others come along and just wanted the pics feeding the young people with a big banner of this Bollywood guy behind them, but every little helps I guess! I started walking back, as I didn't want to wait til 8.30pm for dinner, and an empty school bus gave me a lift this time! I went to the village and got a 20L bottle of water, as i didn't want to keep killing the environment by buying small bottles. It was fun trying to carry it home though!! I chilled out, mainly reading for the rest of the night.
Friday- wow the week flew by! I got another lift to the project soon after I started walking. I had another family visit me- very interesting to hear their story, although I don't want to do paediatrics- it was the same in Uganda- parents of disabled kids (any kids probably) just feel the need to do everything for them and it's very different talking with/giving responsibility to a caregiver than the patient themselves. I got a lift back, I feel very lazy as this is my opportunity to get the exercise I crave but it's hard to resist when people stop and offer you. The German had packed up a few things and was burning some rubbish- no bin men here- although I pity the environment as the smell and black smoke from all the plastic was intense but it's usual practice in India and makes you aware of just how much rubbish we produce! The place was still a tip and when I hinted at the dirty bowls laying around he said it was some other volunteers! I found all his beer bottles hidden under a box in the garden!! He'd cleaned nothing! But what can I say?! I ate some much needed fruit and veg, then "showered"- the water is actually quite warm in the evening after the sun is on the roof tank all day and I'd treated myself to a sponge from a roadside stall! I finished my book; a rather harrowing tale of the Nigerian-Biafran war that makes me ashamed to be British and justifies my lack of faith in humanity.
Saturday: I was doing a presentation to the staff at 10am, so I left about 8.30am and got picked up again although I'd walked a little further. I had breakfast at the project- rice and curry, unsurprisingly! It's fair to say it was tough trying to teach them about "managing challenging behaviour", partly cos a guy had to translate everything so it took time and you're not sure how much goes through. And partly, cos I had feared I would be patronising as some of this stuff I thought was common sense, but they really struggled with the concept of conditioning and how we repeat rewarded behaviour. It was only an hour, but a couple of them were falling asleep and I don't think they were convinced! I left about 1 and got a bus to Pondicherry, where I treated myself to a few home comforts at the supermarket and was on the hunt for pizza! I haven't had pizza for 3 months- since I was in the desert and the American shared his with me- and I just needed something other than rice! The only one I could find was Dominoes which goes against my principles of avoiding global corporation food outlets while travelling, but it was a treat and cheaper than England's extortionate Dominoes at £3, although I wished I had got a medium, not a small! I walked back to the bus station with an ice cream! Back at the house I had a chilled night- reading and listening to music.
Sunday: I got my washing done this morning with the help of a bucket- nothing comes up too clean but at least the smells gone! Then I got the bus in the other direction to Mailam- the nearest town known for its temple on a small hill overlooking the area. So I walked up to the temple where lots of families had gathered to eat- the temples here are very colourful and ornate with all the figures of gods and animals. Loads of toy stalls, so I bought some bits for the project. I was hoping for some vegetable stalls, but it seems you can only buy what's in season (even in Pondicherry), so unless you want mangoes, bananas, apples, pomegranates, tomatoes or so then you're stuffed! I got a bhaji and squeezed into the overflowing bus- I was literally hanging out the door so good job it wasn't far! The locals are rather savage when it comes to pushing!
I "showered", read, ate and was waiting around for the German guys to come back, pack up and leave as with their stuff everywhere I didn't know where to start and was still hoping they might at least do their washing up! They turned up about 6.30 with 10 people from the project- staff and volunteers. Despite a power cut and rain, we made a good start- it took two hours just to collect and sort the rubbish. The German guys just packed and left- never met people like it!
Monday- I met 3 more of the parents and then with the help of a group of 20 volunteers who were with us for the day we made a start on the multi-sensory, safe space where we can let some of the more complex and less able children play while the teachers are teaching, rather than lock them in a room or chase round after them or leave them sat doing nothing! It was my idea and it's going to be a challenge as we don't have the technology, equipment or funds, so it will be simple but I hope it will be complete before I leave. I come back about 5 to get stuck in with some cleaning now the place is a bit clearer- I literally scrubbed the stove and surrounding walls and had all the shelves and compartments out of the fridge to give them a good clean. The whole place needs a really good, deep clean, but it's almost impossible to find cleaning equipment and I will work at it gradually over the next couple of weeks. There was a wedding reception in the village- the music was so loud and continued even through the power cuts and they'd lined the street with flags. I went for a nosey, apparently the actual wedding ceremony is the day after the reception.
Tuesday: I tried not to get annoyed at the lack of organisation and incompetence of a couple of the staff as the kids were just left sitting around for half the day with nothing to do! And I must admit it is hard work running around after some them all day and doing everything for them and lots of their behaviour is pretty bad- it's reaffirmed my decision never to have kids! I come back and was on another 20l water mission, before making a pass the parcel with the 25 toothbrushes I'd bought for my life skills class tomorrow; using newspaper, bags and masking tape (improvising and recycling!!). The good news- I asked some local kids if there was anywhere I could buy an ice cream and they said yes! The bad news- they showed me and I ended up buying for 10 of them, good job they were only 10p. A couple of guys from the project come and made up all the beds with clean sheets- shame they didn't do it for my arrival- but apparently the new woman comes tomorrow now.
Wednesday: I actually walked almost the whole way this morning!! They left me with a class of 15, including the 3 with severe special needs who need 1-1 really; I was not happy and did say well can't you at least get me some toys or something for them to do, as I couldn't just leave them all to go myself! So frustrating! There is a male teacher who is very good, but whenever he's not here- like yesterday morning or this afternoon then everything is chaos! The life skills class never happened- I had given them my schedule of when I'd run activities but that shows their organisation! I'll save it for another day! To be fair, the guy in charge is also very good but he's always so busy- I need his help to finish my "safe space", etc. Not sure I can handle 2.5 more weeks, but at the same time I want to try and educate them and improve things....
I walked the whole way back for the first time! But a good job I did, as in the village I pass halfway a woman had stopped me this morning and gestured that I come in to eat- I said later and sure enough she grabbed me on my walk home! I couldn't understand a word, but she took me into her 'house'- it's brick but empty except a plastic chair and old, rusty, metal bed frame- she cooks outside. She served me a very nice rice with vegetables and soya in it, but I said no when I think she was offering for me to take some home. I think she was trying to say she wanted to dress me up in her sari and that I should come everyday, but I said later and gave her 100R's- about £1.20, which is a lot for a village person! It is these moments that make the travelling worthwhile! Hope you are all well in blighty?!
- comments
John Another great blog Alex. I would have loved to see you on the bike!!!! Sounds as if you were glad to see the back of the Germans, Seems as if you struggle to be understood because of the language barrier. But knowing you Alex you will succeed as you are determined. Lucky you seem to get a lift nearly every day. The time is flying by. Stay safe ,take care & try to have fun xx
Mum Hi babe! Certainly sounds like you have found the challenge you wanted in every way!!! Also sounds like you are becoming an eco warrior which could be tricky when you come home with my love of a supermarket and global corporations, although my home grown raspberries have borne fruit some of which I have frozen for you! Had to eat the strawberries but will freeze you some blueberries! It's great that you're meeting some locals and I hope your new house buddy is better than the Hermans! Weather here has turned and really quite chilly this evening so enjoy the sunshine! Take care, stay safe and enjoy! Love you xx
Mum Ps Good luck finishing your 'safe space' xx
Auntie vic Hello babes now I get the safe space reference! It actually sounds awful but just like you to carry on regardless. Enjoy a fellow English buddy for a while and loving the updates. Love you xxxxxx
Darren Hey crazy girl .you on a bike haha new that would be funny. Keep going into know by the time you have left you will have improved things there . It will be a good experience which will benefit you in the future! Hope all goes well with new girl. Take care
Dad Plenty of 'frustrations' to overcome. But must be satisfying when things do come right. Excellent news about your 'sponsor '. Wonderful gesture. Enjoy x