Hi everyone.
Yep thats right we're doing another blog, we're getting good at updating it now! Well since we last updated you we've done lots. After exploring Adelaide, lots of stuff on Don Bradman (cricketer for those who don't know) to keep me happy and lots of art galleries, museums for Tish! The weathers been a bit chilly down in the south and we've had some cold nights camping. One night we even had ice on our tent when we got up!
Our first stop was at Victor Harbor on the Fleurieu pennisula, we were lucky enough to see 4 southern-right Whales from the shore, a mum and calve came to within 50 metres of us. They are huge, they have weird growths on them which make them a bit ugly but they are amazing to watch! From Victor Harbor you can walk across to Granite Island which is home to a colony of fairy penguins. They happened to be doing a penguin census the day we were there, we'd seen it in the paper and signed up to help count them. We spent a couple of hours looking in all the burrows in our section, but there wasn't any where we were checking. So after we'd finished we went round the whole island looking ourselves and found about 10 of them curled up in their burrows, they are really cute!
We then drove across to the Grampians, we saw an Echindna crossing the road one of the days we were driving, they are evn cuter! like hedgehogs but with a longer nose. The Grampians were spectacular, if a bit chilly and wet at times. Some views from the mountains were spoiled by the cloud, but others were amazing. At the top of the highest peak in the park we even got snowed on!
We got back on the coastal road at Portland and saw some seals there. We then headed across along the Great Ocean Road. We saw another Mother and baby whale at Warnambol. We spent a day or 2 looking at the rock formations like the 12 apostles, London Bridge (which has fallen down, its now just an arch out to sea rather than being joined to mainland), plus many more rocks!
We saw loads of Koalas at Cape Otway, they were all around our campground, we even saw a little baby one. We fed some wild birds at another campground there, fun but a bit scary when they fly at you! We went out at night to look at the glow-worms which were cool, like stars on the hillside.
We got to Melbourne yesterday, its big so we're just getting our bearings at the moment. We hope to go to the MCG and on a neighbours tour! Other than that we are trying to sell our car (we've been tidying it today! big job!) and get ourselves sorted for Asia, packing is going to be hard!
Hope everyone is well in England and your summers not to cold and wet!
Gareth and Tish x
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