Greetings from Shanghai
We arrived and got back to together with Tiina. For a few days ago in Xi'an me and Suvi still visited a great mosque which was nothing like mosques in the Arabic countries. The whole area had a Chinese touch.
We slept the night in train cause the journey took us 20 hours. It didn't feel that long time cause half of the time we slept. I found it very interesting just to sit by the window and see some views, which we not so very beautiful. But I got good close up for the factory areas that pollute greatly. We passed by many grey cities, which we must more sad sight than the industrial areas I saw in Germany just before coming here.
Shanghai has been quite rainy since we got here. There is taifuun (spelling?) around here somewhere but not hitting us. Tiina and Suvi have umbrellas and I walk around on my disposal rain jacket that cost me 0,20 euros - I have used it for many times already. Not very fashionable, and not always even so handy but enough for now.
Our hotel is no 5 star hotel but 3 stars it deserves. The breakfast this morning was good - both western and eastern food. The personal says "Ni hao" when ever you bumb into them. And room service works well. It's situated 15 minutes walk from People's Park where som important museum and a concert hall are situated. The view from the hotel itself is 'horrible' during the day. The hotel is surrounded by small houses falling apart. But it's exciting cause the streets are full of non touristic shops and restaurants. This way we get to see a bit of everything again.
Yesterday eve I had my best dinner so far. It was a fondue type of meal - you cook you lamb rolls in boiling water of spices. I also took some additional mushroom and I got a huge plate of them. I couldn't imagine that with 6,5 euros I got such a dinner. But as I have not been eating so much meat here as in Europe I got diarrea this morning. So most propably we don't eat again on that restaurant ;-)
This morning we headed to Shanghai museum which is more or less a national museum. Not so large as in Beijing I've heard but I could explore it for two hours. Tiina and Suvi left me alone after one hour and headed to a shopping street. I took my time and walked around in People's Park wathing at children chasing pigeons. I headed still to Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall which was magnificent.
The best things were old photos and some history of Shanghai in the 30's, World Expo 2010 Hall and a virtual tour around the city. World Expo is going to be held here year 2010. I think it's going to be almost as huge as the Olympics in Beijing. The new buildings they're gonna construct are huge (as so many important building in China). I also met a girl who told me many things about the mascot. Colour of it is blue as the sea, it's hair is like waves, it smiles and the form of it is like one Chinese 'character' meaning people as the people are the center of the city. "Better city, better life" (compare to Olympics' "One world, one dream").
As you might know already I didn't take any big walk today at the city. But the virtual tour showed me everything. It was a round room covered with the screen, 360 degrees. We were driving, flying and taking a boat and all the time you could look all around you. It was colourful, quick and nicely 'quiet' tour without the real traffic.
Today is Mid Autumn fest. Moon cake festival. It's one of the biggest festival days in China, though I've understood that mostly people celebrate it as Finnish celebrate Christmas, havin dinner with family. But supposidly we can find something in this town, at least a walk by the river side if nothing else.
Hugs to you all who have time and interest to read
p.s. if you ever read our site please leave us a short message. I'd like to know who knows we're still alive here in Asia.
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