Hello Everyone!!!!!
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin.
It's strange, one of travelling's most asked questions is "When are you coming home?", the strange thing is that it's the question asked as soon as you leave home, people want to know when your coming back. God knows how many times people have asked me it and I've given some vague answer, but now I can say I'M COMING HOME!!!!!!
Yes, that's right, I'm coming home, I know most of you have wished for this day since I left so I'm so glad I can bring some joy back into your lives!! hahahahaha
The exact date is still unknown but I know when it will be. The first week of June!! I know I'd told most of you that I didn't think I'd be home to sometime later on in the year but plans have changed so we've had to change with them.
I've been dealing with the Immigration department and requested some advice on the current situation. Basically they said the only way I could get a tourist visa AFTER my working one runs out is to leave the country - fair enough, we had considered the possibility that I'd have to do a Visa run over to New Zealand.
So we started making plans to go over to NZ for a week, then found out that the MINIMUM I'd have to be out of the country for before they gave me a tourist visa was 40 days! After a bit of a chat we decided that it's not worth the risk going over to NZ incase they say No at the border and we can't really afford to stay out for 40 days and then come back so we're leaving Melbourne (FINALLY!!!!!) in 5 weeks and doing speed travelling to be in Sydney and on a flight home by the 6th June!!!!!
So there we are, I'm coming home, god knows what I'm going to do when I get home, gotta find a job, somewhere to live etc etc but I'm sure will work out OK. Al won't be moving down with me straight away, he's going to go home to Wales for a bit, get a job save money etc before he comes down but hopefully you'll get to meet him all soon!!!
Just thought I'd let you know
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