Hey everyone!!!
How are you all?? Sorry I've not updated this in a while, keep kind of forgetting I've got it, which obviously defeats the purpose, oh and now I've joined the cult of facebook I keep using that more.
I hope your all doing really well, hope the new year has started all your dreams afresh!!
I'm so excited at the moment, 2 reasons, reason 1 is that tomorrow is Al and I's first anniversary!!! DUN DUN DUH!!!!! I cannot believe it's been a year since we got together but I'm sooooooo happy,i know it's cheesy but it's true. I'm taking him out for a nice meal tomorrow night, we're going to Fifteen - Jamie Oliver's restaurant, he doesn't know it yet so keep it quiet for me!!!!
Then next weekend we're off to my 2nd home of Sydney for Mardi Gras, Big gay festival - Yes Gav there probably will be men in chaps dancing to the YMCA and I will get photos, I can't wait to get back there, I miss Sydney so much, wish it wasn't so damned expensive otherwise would be there now.
for those that dont already know, I've started a new job, doing a salary packaging call centre thing, been there for 3 weeks and it runs until the end of May. It pays pretty well so gonna use it to save like a Mo-Fo. The only negative is that it runs more or less till the end of my working holiday visa, which means I'm going to apply for another visa so I can stay and use my funds to finish off this overly large country. that's if my visa is granted, I cant apply for it until after I finish work as it cancels all other visas which means I wont be able to work - NIGHTMARE, so we're gonna wait it out and see.
Anyway i hope your all ok, I know I'm not in touch as much as I should be but I'll start making the effort once this month is out, all a bit mad at the moment.
Love you All
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