Sitting at Memphis Tennessee Greyhound Bus Station waiting for the bus to Nashville. A slightly different form of travel to flying and training in the USA.
Got up early to be at the bus station for our 9.20am bus- we had heard that although you had booked and paid for a ticket, no guarantee you would get on the bus as it was "first come, first serve". At the checkin, yes we had to check in and have bags weighed, this was confirmed "first come, first serve". At 7.15am we were first in line and placed our bags under gate C to Nashville. Within 20 minutes a whole group arrived of Mexicans arrived and the line was now snaking its way around the terminal.
Bought a coffee, only 1.69, and overheard a staff member had lost her job because she had not checked if a note was "real". Counterfeit money must be an issue, as I watched the woman mark a $100 note to check its authenticity.
The bus station is out of town, near the airport, and it cost us $30 in taxi fees (almost our dearest taxi fare in USA, apart from $33 at New York). Greyhound was in downtown Memphis before they lost tenancy, way out of town for a bus station must make it difficult and add extra costs to the folk who travel by bus. The station itself was modern, clean and spacious.
Boarding the bus was "controlled" in her words " by an old woman, just doing her job"! I got the impression this was one "mama" not to mess with, especially as Rob got "told" where to stand and where not to stand with his bag! It turned out that she was also the driver, not sure how I felt about this as she was still being rather vocal in the driver'seat. I am beginning to think this was not such a good day in the "office". Looking forward to the trip to Nashville, shaping up to be quite an experience at $15 each for a 4 hour bus trip! Farewell Memphis and roll on Nashville.
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