James and I had a drink for you in the Bull tonight.We are planning my birthday party and we have decided( well James has ) that i have to have a house party !!!!!! with a GOTH theme.!!!!! omg what have I let myself in for.
Miss you loads...do you believe that james has lost so much weight from not drinking.....he is gonna be an itsy bitty James and we wont ever be able to see him.HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love M xxxx
Sarah, Charlie And The Boys
And no, i have not changed my name to sareh!! (although it does have a certain ring to it) I did tell you we were techno-phobes up north.
Sareh, Charlie And The Boys
Testing, Testing, Yorkshire calling Debbie!! Hope this makes it to your board as we are not very clued up on all this hi-tech stuff! Village life doesn't move as fast as you city types! We have only just got Broadband up our way!!!!!!!!!!!! Am ashamed that it has taken you b*****ing off around the world for us to make contact.
This is all very exciting and just what I need as a busy mum of two, who is not going to be travelling too far a field in the next few years. The four hour flight to Lanxarote last year with a 1 year old and three year old was enough to put me off for a good while yet!!! Anyway, please keep up the good work with the photos and postcards, as i can still get to see a bit of the world aside from my bob the builder and power ranger filled one!!( i would'nt change it for anything though)
Hope the birthday celebrations were good, and that you had many a cocktail!! I do hope that you have not wasted three years of good drinking training in Leeds and that you are still in good form.
Must go now, sorry for hogging space on your message board but i got a bit excited by the whole experience,
Lots of love sarahXXXXX
Ps; How do the taxi's on your travels compare to those in Leeds?
happy birthday debbie. I feel quite brave making it onto your message board, haven't done the photos yet. mum,fan & melinda are safely back from rumania. melinda quite disappointed at dracula's castle , she tells me he was only there for a month & the castle didn't belong to him at all.fan & melinda are moving to penzance,melinda will be going to truro girls high school. after ireland I am having a quiet and very hot-weather wise summer. love sylvia.
Hi Tim & Debs,
I hope that you guys are having a grand time. Debs, Happy Birthday.
lots of love
hello tim and debbie!!
it is so amazing reading about your adventures! jenny and i have made it home to the US safely and we are now scheming for our next big adventure! it was lovely meeting you on the TSR!!
warm wishes for safe travel,
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, wish I was with you to help celebrate. I am stil not a flat owner - Solicitor's are evil.
Cherry And Peter
Happy Birthday Debbie - hope you got our e-card.
Have a great day.
Love, Cherry and Peter xxx
Dont know if this is going to work but wanted to post you a happy birthday photo...Here we go!!