Tuesday 21st - Jan 14 - Arrival
With hardly any sleeep we got up at 3.30am and headed to the airport, It was only a 20 minute drive. On our approach to the airport stood a huge sign of a beautiful beach with the captions, Perth awaits. It was like it was strategically placed there for us.
The airport was really quiet this time in the morning. We got there early so we could pretty much fly through the process of getting to the gate. We changed up our money from NZD to AUS $. The exchange rate was really good at .096.
By the time we returned to the check in desk, there was a huge red band round our flight on the information screen with the word CANCELLED across out flight.
This couldnt happen with air New Zealand. I jumped straight on the phone to try and get an alternative flight while Stevie seeked out a Air NZ rep. They were even confussed by what was going on as they had not been informed and it happened so suddenly.
Luckily within 10 minutes they had us all queuing up to put us on alternative flights. Stevie managed to get to the front of the queue. We now had to go from Chch to Auckland, from Auckland to Melbourne. Change at Melboure for Perth.
We didnt mind the change as it meant a shorter stop over in Melbourne. 2 Movies and a few shows later we arrived in Melbourne. Melbourne airport was super busy. I hadn't experienced an airport this busy in ages. I didnt like it.
As the next flight was with Tigerair we had to check-out and then check-in again, by the time we had some food and walked to the Tigerair terminal it was time to board our Perth bound flight.
Tigerair is a low budget airline so we didnt have the kind of entertainment Air New Zealand offered so we slept as much as possible.
We woke up landing in Perth around 4.45pm, The temperature was in the high 30s. The heat hit us like train once we stepped off the air conditioned plane onto the runway.
Perth airport was so quiet. Stevies uncle Andy picked us up. It was nice to finally meet after almost 2 years. We dicided to Surprise her Auntie Jackie and Cousins Lily (9) and Evie (6).
We drove to their home in Joondalup a few hours North of the CBD. Andy dropped us off and we hid behind the garage. Andy went in to Jackie and the girls and apologied for being later home from work and said 'As an apology I got you a gift in the garage' When the garage door opened we jumped out. Their look was priceless, there was shock, surprise and tears. Evie said it must have been because she just had a Wish sweet and wished to see us.
After hugs, kisses and a quick catch-up. The sun was setting fast and the girls wanted to show us the beach and sunset. So we quickily raced to Burns beach to watch the sunset while girls played in the sea. It was a nice close to a busy day.
On the drive back we saw a wild Kanagroo run across the road. It was the first time I had seen a kanagroo in the wild.
Wednesday 22nd - Jan 14 - Beach Day
We were up before the girls today which was a surprise and once we were all ready and the picnic was packed we headed to Mindarie was beautiful and the waves looked perfect for us to use the girls body baords. We had a play in the waves and before long the Evie got taken out by a wave and her goggles were washed off her face...the tears erupted and I tried to find them but in the process got taken out by two waves the first taking my sunglasses and the second my dignity as my bikini top was ripped off exposing myself to all.
Then we headed to 'Hillary's' a boat marina and tourist recreational hub north of the CBD. Gold sand lines one side of the marina and a Jetty and shops the other. In the middle floated a pontoon with slides.
We watched the girls do their swimming lesson and caught some sun. After their lesson we all played in the water and sand, the girls constantly wanted to be thrown around in the water by Mark. Poor guy wash shattered by the end of the day.
We took the girls out onto the Jetty as they really wanted to jump off. The girls loved it. Mark Joined them for a couple of jumps. It was hillerious when Evie tried to jump off and just face planted the water.
Afterwards we headed to the pontoon so the girls could go down the slide.
We had a nice relaxing day and even though Jackie plied us with suncream we still managed to get a tad burned, Mark was especially red on the chest area!!!!
We finished the day chilling with the girls on their bikes.
Thursday 23rd- Jan 14 - City Sightsee
Stevie had spend a bit of time in Perth before so was keen to show me the CBD and Kings Park. We headed there alone while Jackie and the girls went to a birthday party.
We took the train in from Joonadulp which was about a 30 minute journey. The CDB could be any CBD in the world. We streets had the worst street performers I have ever seen ranging from a Korean Michael Jackson to a Person statue who couldnt stop moving.
The Square did have a large fountain, which loads of children would turn randomly in their swim qear and play in it. I can't imagine that happening in the center of London.
We headed to the Riverside and walked along the Swan River passed the famous Bell Tower. Eventually we reached King's park. It was a steep walk up the side to get into the actual park. It was so hot so made it a bit more tiring. King's park is one of the largest inner city parks in the world. We had a look around the botanical gardens and the State war memorial. I managed to find Tilbury amongst the names, but unsure if we were related in any way. The views of the CBD were brillant from the park. We stayed up there a while, taking in the view, the sun and a few drinks.
We left the park from the main entrance and headed back into the CBD. When Stevie was here she stayed in Northbridge, so was keen for me to see it too. We stopped there for lunch and Stevie showed be the places she used to work and live.
We eventually took the train back to Joonadulp.
Friday 26th - Jan 14
The girls had their end of course swimming assessment at Hillery's so Stevie and I decided to tag along so we could spend more time with them. After the girls finished I played with Evie in the sand, building a mini sandcastle around her. Stevie chilled on the beach with Jackie and Lily. We grabbed a bite to each before heading to Fremantle which is located at the mouth of the Swan river.
We booked a Rottnest tour for the next day, so while we were in Fremantle we confirmed our booking and confirmed where we needed to meet for the ferry before heading into the main town.
Fremantle is a querky little colonial town, bars and coffee shops line the streets. Stevie and I headed to the Fremantle Prison to see if we could book a last minute tour, but it was too late so decided to come back in a couple of days.
On the way back into town we cut through Fremantle market. Half was a food market selling loads of different fruits and vege, the other half was querky clothes and furniture stalls.
We met up Jackie and the girls and headed to Little Creatures brewery. It was a hot day in the high 30s, so a cold beer was exactly what the Dr ordered. The bar was set inside the brewery so we had a little look around at the beer making process.
We finished the day on the water front with some fish and chips before heading home.
Saturday 25th - Jan 14 - Rottnest Island
Seperate Blog Entry - Rottnest Island
Sunday 26th - Jan 14 - Australia Day / Fremantle Prison
Today was Australia Day. The day the British flag was raised in Sydney in 1788. Jackie, Andy and the Girls headed off in the morning to see their friends get their Citizenship. While Stevie and I had a much needed lay in. When they returned we all headed into the CBD together. Stevie and I continued on the train to Fremantle to take a tour around Fremantle Prison. Which is of Local, National importance and a World Heritage site. We did the 'Doing Time' Tour. which was just over an hour long. It was very informative. The prison was built by convicts in 1850s and was in full operation until 1991.
When Perth was first founded they didnt want any convicts so tried to build a city infrastructure alone. However after years for getting nowhere they decided to use convict labour. When the convicts arrived they had nowhere to stay so ended up quarrying and building this limestone prison themselves.
The Prison had no running water or electrisity, it was orignially built to hold 1,000 prisons but ended up housing 10,000. The Prison comes with many ghost stories and escape attempts. It was a really labour intesive prison which is why in 1991 the prison closed down because of inadequate upgrades over the years and breaching human rights.
They finished the tour in the execution room, which was abit eerie which a lone noose hanging there.
We headed back to the CBD to been the guys around 4pm. We under estimated how busy the Riverside would get. There were thousand of people there, activity stall, food stands and entertainment. There was a small petting enclosure where you could have your photo taken with a snake. It was there that I saw my first Koala. Looking all sleepy clinging on to a tree.
We watched a motorbike show jumping which was over looked by a large Perth sign designed to look like the famous hollywood sign in the US. We couldnt find the guys anywhere after several lapse Stevie gave up. We grabbed some food before I pursaded her to have one last look. Amazingily we just bumbed into them as soon as we got up.
They managed to get a spot with their friends right on the Riverside. We chatted for about an hour before the fireworks started. A helicopter flew above us with a giant Australia flag in tow. The sun set on the river and Australias largest firwork display begun.
Green lasors shot from either side of the river, with sincronised fireworks were set off along the river from a ploonton that floated in the middle.
It was a musical firework display, so they were meant to go off to the music, but we couldn't really hear it. That didnt take away anything from how good the fireworks were. I reckon they must of had around 25,000. The sky was continously for 30 minutes lit up with colours fireworks all the way down the river. Blue, Red, Green, Yellow.... There created shapes I'd never seen before from a firework. A Clover, Flower , Hearts....
...Water jets sprayed from the water, The lasors projected moving imaged in its mist. At one point they must of been letting off 50 fireworks a second. It was like Pow, Pow, Boom, Whistle, Pow, Pow. It really was spectacular.
It finished with a huge applause from the crowd.
The journey back took some time was you can imagine thousand of people trying to funnel into the only station.
Monday 27th - Jan 14 - Adventure World
This was our final day in Perth. The guys were already going to Adventure World so we decided to join them. The day started off abit overcast, but eventually the sun broke out... it was a bit of a drive to the park but Evie kept us entertained by singing her fav Little Mix song.
It didn't take us long to get into Adventure World and it was a really great day....there wasn't a huge amount of rides but it was lots of fun with a good selection of water rides and a rollercoaster called the afternoon Lily decided that she wanted to go on the rollercoaster and I volunteered to go on with her...she was so brave and we were all so proud of her giving it a try.
We all met a few of Jackie and Andy's friends and their children and mingled with them throughout the day.
It was a really enjoyable day and a perfect finish to our visit before we went back and showered for our late night flight to Sydney and then Christchurch.
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