We started our day be assisting with the daily elephant training. We worked with Ntombi who is 26 years old. They train them with positive reinforcement so when they do what they are told to they get a reward. We were given handfuls of pellets to give her each time she did an action she was asked to do. Some of the elephants are trained to track down poachers which they can do by scent. Elephants are incredibly clever creatures with strong family/herd ties. They live in a predominantly matriarchal family with males usually evicted as they reach puberty around 16+ years. Males will form their own herds, often led by the eldest bull who teaches them to survive. Elephants can live through to their 80s. However there are issues with poaching for their tusks to the point where they are evolving to have no tusks.
A short drive (2+ hours) to Bulawayo where we are camping at an old house.
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