Landing at Melbourne airport was such a difference to all the other airports we have been to.It's less organized chaos and more just organized!! We jumped straight on a shuttle bus to a hostel that I had previously booked up.It was called coffee palace and seemed reasonably backpackery and also pretty much on the street where Albert park is (is it Albert park?? Where the grand prix is anyway).After settling in and rudely awaking our fellow dorm friend by slamming the door we had a wander around and got our bearings, and a pizza.After speaking to another dorm friend we were hugely inspired to do the great ocean road and were initially under the impression that it ran in the direction that we wanted i.e. Up towards Sydney.We later were informed that it actually stretches in the complete opposite direction up towards Adelaide!! So we decided to hire a car for 3 days and do the ocean rd in one day and then the trip up to Sydney the next!After one night in coffee palace we moved to St Kilda backpackers which is the same location but a nicer dorm where we stayed for 3 nights and met more people who told us to do the ocean rd!! we also went out one evening with our new dorm friends which was nice.After saying our good byes we finally went to pick up the car…which was huge!! Luckily it cost no more for two people to drive and considering we are both under 25 (just!) it only set us back 60 bucks a day incl insurance, so we were quite pleased!!We were given a commodore, which is probably the same length as the espace, a very long estate car!!Traveling up the ocean road was by far the best thing we have done so far.Thomas was loving the driving again and I absolutely loved the views and the beaches.The scenery was absolutely breathtaking and you could see why it came so highly recommened.We stopped off at the 12 apostels although there are only eight left now.And we saw the bay of islands and so many beautiful beaches.We raced back from the very end of the great ocean rd to catch the sunset at the bay of islands and it was by far the best we have seen yet.It was the perfect setting with not one cloud in the sky.It was beautiful to see the sun dip into the sea and then finally disappearing.I loved it!! Then it was a long drive back the other way although a little slower than before as a very kind fellow traveler warned us that kangaroos come out as dusk and into the night so we should take it slow.Thomas saw one but I missed it.Unfortunately the only kangaroo I saw that evening was a flat one L But we stayed in the car that night and woke up quite cold!!We woke up really early around 8 ish and decided to just go flat out to Sydney as we knew Angie was there already and we wanted to meet up with her again.So without a map we left about 8 30 and after a whole day of driving (I did 3 hours!) we made it!! (please see next blog for Sydney!!)
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