So. Now I guess it is time for all our English followers to get a little update.
So many things has been going on since we left India. I would not exactly call it a traumatic experience, but just about. We were both so happy to finally arrive in Melbourne. NORMAL CEVILIZED PEOPLE!!! And gosh, did Melbourne take us with storm. Actually we stayed just outside Melbourne, in a little but fantastic place called St. Kilda. We stayed at a youth hostel called XBase. In our room was three hilarious English girls, Anna, Amanda and Laura. They where all just a blast! As XBase also has a bar downstairs, quite a few night ended up at the bar called "red eye". We went to the lovely beach and just chilled for two weeks. We met so many people who has just left a great impression of St. Kilda, Melbourne. WE JUST LOVE IT! Good times! But we had to get back to real life sooner or later and went to Adelaide to meet up with Denis and Bronwin, our farmhosts. After fifteen ours in a bus we FINALLY got to the little town of Parilla were they lived. Most days ended up driving around, moving and castrating sheep (poor things). I did'n really find the whole castrating fun, so instead I got to eartag the poor animals. Marlene had a few days feeling sick, with a bad headache so I ended up going out with Denis alone whilst Marlene was in bed. Well of course we had to meet all the neighbors and one night we went to the local bowlsclub with Coffee(neighbor) and his nephew Ashleigh. Great fun. Suddenly our two weeks at the farm was about to end, a bit sad as we finally got to feel a bit home and cozy. We left to see beautiful Kangaroo Island which is a few hours away from Adelaide. So from Parilla, back to Adelaide and of to K.I. Wow, breathtaking nature and of course, KANGAROOS! LOARDS. We saw koalas, wallabies, pelicans, went kayaking (hilarious), looking for penguins, sheep sheering and so on. Amazing trip. Can only recommend K.I if anyone ever feels like going to Aussie. We got back to Adelaide and had a few days to kill before our New Zealand adventure could begin. Funnily enough, four guys from our previous hostel I St. Kilda walks in to our twentydoormbedroom and made our days so much more fun. We went to the beach and played volley and had a blast at a nightclub called Apple. Nevertheless the day were we had to meet up with Marlenes parents came and what a joy. It was so good seeing and speaking with people you know. Bit of a relief actually. Our trip through New Zealand has just been amazing. I don't even know where to start. We've seen and experienced so many things. Imagine walking around in nature exactly like Lord of the rings or Avatar. Nothing else I can say but wow. Waterfalls, hills, mountains, tropical forests. We went trekking, kayaking and just had an amazing time. A big thank you too Marlene's parents for taking such good care of us. Spending Christmas and new years eve here has been a bit weird though. A bit hard getting through Christmas eve without the family. But at least there is another one next year. Dorte and Michael just made the evening so special and even got me present, bless. We visited Auckland, Waitomo, Roturua, Hamiltion, Palmeston north, Taupo, Tongaririo, Wellington, Abel Tasmas, Picton, Nelson, Franz Joseph, Queenstown, Dunedin and Christchurch. Now we are sitting in Sydney domestic airport, waiting for our plane in five hours. Heading towards Cairns. And yes, we've already waited five hours. Guess that's just part of backpacking. Long hours though. So this was my little update for all you at home. Sending you all my love. Hopefully I can get my act together and write a post again soon. Take care everyone.
X Emilie
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