Oh my god, this time next week I shall be on a bus heading across Europe to my new life for the next year or so. I can't quite believe how quickly time has flown since the beginning of the year, can remember when my countdown was 585 days and it seemed a million miles away! And now it is just 4 days away and I feel somewhat unprepared for the adventure ahead, but so so excited!
I have pre-packed my bags and for a girl who loves her clothes and shoes I think I have done pretty well. All but a pair of the cutest sandals fitted in from what I had laid out on the bed so not bad! It's weird looking at my life in a bag and realizing those will be the only clothes will be worn for the next 16 months and that there is not much room to buy nice new ones (those that know me will know how hard that is ha ha!).
There has been a Facebook group set up so it's nice to see a few faces of who'll be joining me on Sunday, makes it feel a bit less scary! There are 21 people in total and 9 Irish folk so perhaps I'll come back with an Irish twang rather than an Aussie one! I'm very excited to meet everyone though, sure there will be some cool people to spend the first part of my journey with and hopefully some lifelong friends.
Well must be off, lots to sort out and some final goodbyes that I don't want to say but there is no room in my backpack to stow my friends away! The next time I blog I shall be on my way.....
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