Our last stop in Asia and before we reached Australia was Indonesia….most of our time sadly was spent driving through the country but the beauty of the place still shone through. Our first experience of crazy Indonesian driving/transport was our ferry across from Malaysia where I pretty much believed that I was going to die!! It was the tiniest ferry known to man and sped across the ocean so fast that the water was splashing up over the sides of the windows, throwing you basically to the ground whenever you tried to stand up! Not fun when you know how much I hate flying and it was worse, way worse! The first highlight of the country was stopping off at the equator. We forgot water and a matchstick to prove that it really does turn the other way down a plughole this side of the world but had some group pictures and got back on the bus for another long drive.
The first week was a party week with Barbara's 55th and April's 19th so we spent a few nights celebrating including the greatest nightclub I have ever been to….there was a live band playing all the recent pop/rock/RnB hits but they were amazing! They were better than the original artists and we were bouncing around with all the locals all night! The next day we went to Yogyakarta and the most visited temple in south east asia - Borobudar. It was a really good morning out, being able to walk around and over the top of the temple. The steps went to the top of a huge stupa and when you get there they say that you have reached heaven - looked pretty heavenly to me J Next we headed off to a small village called Cemorolawang, overlooking Mt. Bromo. This was definitely my most favourite thing we did in Indonesia…got up at 4am to go watch the sunrise over the mountain and then hiked up to the top to see the active volcano bubbling away.Amazing!! After a long nap to get over my early start we just chilled out for the first time in since I can remember in the hotel dressed in all the clothes we owned….it was FREEZING and I mean freezing!!! How could we possibly get over the cold, er head to Bali of course for some desperate beach time and sunning ourselves. Bali was just how I imagined it to be, sun, sea, sand and gorgeous food. The most western food we have come across since probably leaving home so we gorged for 4 days and put the weight back on that we lost from India/ Pakistan ha ha! Was the perfect way to round off the penultimate country for sure……….
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