We're writing this blog after our first day in Peru, from The Flying Dog Hostel in Miraflores (think the hostel owners are cat lovers...). Our flight was loooong because of the stop in madrid. The cultural experience started there though where wills discovered how to spot a European by the 'cardigan/sweater draped over the shoulders' look...hehe. We arrived last night at about 7pm to the airport in Lima and we've never stood in queues for so long!! The customs queue was funny, you had to press a button and the little light would go green or red. If it went red your bags had to be searched. Lucky for us it went green so we sailed on through and for the first time ever a lift we booked through the hostel was actually waiting for us. So we drove through Lima and the first glimpse of the city was really special - the warm air was blowing through the taxi windows, the city was dark but all lit up by neon signs and religious statues and monuments and we passed by the sea with that salty sea smell blowing in. We got to the hostel and after a bit of confusion with the taxi fare (I thought he was charging us 50us dollars not 50 soles - Spanish is going great!) we made it to our comfy beds. The hostel is nice with a lazy cat which wasn't so lazy when we were eating our lunch earlier and freaked Wills out by meowing at him until we gave him some chicken! Last night we explored a bit and had some food then slept which was amazing after nearly 24 hrs of being awake. Today we went to the supermarket to stock up and looked around Miraflores. We stumbled across this British car show which was causing a lot of excitement. We were more excited by our first taste of Inca Cola - nice! Now off to do some
planning and might stop by the park with fountains that light up tonight and maybe a beer at hostel happy hour. Still settling in and getting used to thinking that we're away so long. Sending love back home x
- comments
Matty No Catty!!
sandra jones felt like i was there love mum
Charly so poetic mem...and I have to say that I am NOT jealous at all!!!!! Hope you are making the most of every minute xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Louise Yay, you're in Peru! Hope you're having fun. Lots of love xxx
el Sounds like a great start :) Hope you are recovered from your flight now! I want to try some Inca Cola! X
Dad Did your washing, but wont be ironing it, cleared out your food cupboards. Can get back to my pedantic ways now. D x
Hilary It sounds fantastic and we're very jealous! Bump says hello xx lots of love and looking forward to hearing more!!! Hil and Sho xxxx
Laura I was going to say we're missing you at work, but you sound like you're having a good time and I'm jealous so maybe I won't be so generous! OK, yes we are missing you. x