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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Dad Lovely photos and descriptions again,i thought Will in the water was brilliant,also both of you in your hats and on bikes. See you soon Dad. x
re: Vietnam - giant buddhas, emerald green landscapes, cheap beer and the best coffeeEm Thanks Paps! Just got your email, will reply soon :-). Wills says he will buy your truck for 50p - bargain! Glad you liked Vietnam edition - will be the three of us in India soon - you can do a blog for us then xx
re: Our first taste of VietnamEm Wills really does have a lucky bean - he keeps planting it on me to take through customs!! Miss u Mr and Mrs Watermelon xx
re: Tie me wallabie down sportWatermelon muncher's mrs Love it! I think we should get blogs from both of you now! Emma's are beautiful and poetic, Will's are f-ing hilarious!ove you guys! Xxx
re: Tie me wallabie down sportWatermelon muncher's mrs Love it! I think we should get blogs from hotbox you now! Emma's are beautiful and poetic, Will's are f-ing hilarious!ove you guys! Xxx
re: Tie me wallabie down sportWatermelon-muncher Amazing blog, great decision by the blog management to hand Wills his first blog cap in Australia. Well played King Wills.
re: Tie me wallabie down sportDad Loved the pics and your travel stories,bet Will is happy now Carly has arrived. Dad
re: Sucre, BoliviaLouise Sounds like lots of fun Em! I did part of my volunteering project in Sucre, and we went to Isla del Sol as well. It's funny to hear about these places :-) Have fun and take care xxx
re: Sucre, BoliviaBecky Unwin Wow, such emotional stuff! I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster with all your experiences just reading it so it must've been an amazing experience! So well written too you could always do that in the future! Keep doing such amazing writing & enjoy all your experiences with people, places & cultures! :-) Miss you but know you're having a good time on a real trip of a lifetime! Hope we can catch up online properly soon! Becky -x- Xxx
re: Santa Cruz, Boliviasandra jones hi em wills,this blog made me laugh, cry for the wealth of emotion and feeling in it that you both are experiencing ,and make me feel it to,love you both mumxxxx
re: Santa Cruz, BoliviaDad Love the journey Em and Willl but feel sorry for the Priest who used his own Heart for a display. Dad x
re: Santa Cruz, BoliviaShamanay Hi guys!.i just luvd reading ur blog...very dscriptive nd feels like im there with u..thanx 4 taking me on this journey with u..njoy nd stay save.!
re: Santa Cruz, Bolivia- last visited

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Dad Lovely photos and descriptions again,i thought Will in the water was brilliant,also both of you in your hats and on bikes. See you soon Dad. x