Hey People, Amy here (actually writing this at the same time as Sam's writing the last entry) and I'm going to inform you about what we're been up to in the last few days which includes my birthday. Which unfortunately wasn't spent on the 'only all sand island in the world' but it was a good day nonetheless.
So after arriving back from Fraser Island and enjoying a night in the bar with our new friends we got up early to catch the bus to Noosa (which as we found out when we got there is a place with many diferent areas, all of which are chuffing miles apart). Due to the amount that Sam drank the night before (only the same amount as me) she was poorly on the bus in the morning and needed a 'bag' during the journey. But after the eventful journey we arrived at Noosa Backpacker Resort, our home for 3 nights. It seemed a very nice place and after dumpin our stuff we headed off to explore and scout out some breakfast as I was absolutely starving. Had the nicest Bacon and Egg sandwich (on toast) and sam had a huge veggie breakfast which she nearly managed to eat all of it. In the afternoon we chilled out by the pool and went on a leisurely walk to Woolworths to get some shopping for tea (anyone would think we were doing a full weekly shop the amount we bought lol). Cooked ourselves a veggie curry for tea in a very chaotic kithchen where we had to fight for pans with everyone else, but we got there in the end. Went back to the room and met our new roommates, two guys from Essex and two girls (i think from Germany). Sat chatting to the guys for a while and soon realised that they were a bit pretentious (Sam's words not mine). One guy was ok but the other was very up himself and annoying, he had great fun telling us that his mate used to play for arsenal but then had been released and how if it'd been him then he'd be very angry......all very boring when all you want to do is go to sleep.
Got up early the next morning to explore the centre part of Noosa. This involved a bus ride from the hostel as everything is so spread out. Found some nice shops and bought some more new clothes and then we went for a walk in Noosa National Park. There was meant to be a surf competition on at the beach but when we walked past there weren't any waves.......kinda bit of a bummer really. So yeah we wandered on into the national park eargerly looking up into the trees in the hope of finding a wild koala (my one aim since I came to oz was to see a wild koala before I left and I've been dissappointed so far). Thankfully this was to be my lucky day and hiding up a tree (very very much asleep) was a very furry grey blob which on moving a little closer we found to be a Koala (cue me doing a Koala spotting dance complete with cheesy grin). We wandered on and after a while longer had to find a tree to hide under as it promptly threw it down. We ate our lunch as we sheltered albeit with not a very good view but at least we stayed dry. Went back to the hostel and played table tennis (victory was all mine mwahaha) which was thankfully under shelter as it rained very heavily again!!!!! Tea was a very nice can of soup and after this we went for a walk along the esplanade to see what was was it happened not much at all. Had fun playing in the random gym equipment along the front and then in the childrens play area and then wandered back to the hostel for an early night as we wanted to be up early to go Kayaking in the morning.
I woke up very early and was very pleased to find 3 happy birthday messages waiting for me :) but I had to wait for Sam to wake up before I opened my cards (thank you everyone who sent me one, think I've text you all but if I've missed you then sorry - I've just put then up again in my new room at the next hostel). We had breakfast and went and got some Kayaks (free from the hostel - good times). Had an intersting walk down to the rivers edge and after some very interesting manouverage managed to get them in the water (we didnt pick a very good spot). With good intentions we set off (albeit at a somewhat slow pace) but quickly became tired and couldnt make our minds uo where to go so we beached ourselves and looked at the map to decided where to go. I wanted to go to Goat Island but Sam said it was too far away so we decided to head for another island instead and look at all the expensive houses along the way, of which there were many. We played noughts an crosses on the beach and I got told off for flicking ants into the sea lol. We decided to head back when we were hungry and get lunch. After lunch we headed towards woolworths to see what shops were over there. Found that my favourite ozzy shop was there and so spent more money buying more new clothes. On the way back to the hostel we went in this very cool shop which I can't actually write anything about as we made things in there that are presents for people so we'll have to tell you that when we get home. On the way from Woolworths to this cool shop we got caught in another very heavy rain shower and had to shelter under cover of a shop. Went back to the hostel to celebrate my birthday with a pizza and glass of wine and got a free pizza so we were very pleased. Due to the brilliance of Sam's mum we were provided with a candle and so my birthday cake (Jam swiss roll) could be done properly and all the guys in the our dorm and the one nextdoor sang to me :) The dorms were very strange, there wasn't rooves over the individual rooms and so we could hear everything that next door said and vice versa, was very strange. Had a pretty early night cos we were tired from Kayaking and we're going out to celebrate my birthday in Brisbane on sun or mon cos we're going to be meeting up with friends there from our disasterous sailing trip.
This morning (20th) we got the bus to Mooloolaba (I still can't pronounce it correctly) and when we arrived found that there wasn't much to do. Went for a walk along the sea front and went in a few shops and got drenched again on the way back (now I guess you're saying to yourselves 'why weren't they carrying their bumble bee lookalike pac a macs' well do you know we asked ourselves exactly the same question and we're yet to come up with an answer). Since then we've checked into our rooms, played a couple of games of pool and sat here typing these blog entries. Tonight there is a 'Goon Pong' competition (which we presume is ping pong involving the drinking of goon - boxed wine which is disgusting but very cheap and I quote 'contains fining agents which may or may not include milk, flour, eggs and/or fish' sounds pleasant yeah?). So we may or may not enter this. We're hoping to go to Eumundi Markets tomorrow morning and then do goodness knows what in the afternoon.
At present its chucking it down again, was hoping for more sunshine but it seems its not to be at the moment. Anyway I think thats all for now, we're moving onto Brisbane on sun and then on to Surfers paradise the following fri (i think).
Hope you are all ok and having lots of fun at home, please keep us updated on the message boards of any intersting gossip or news that you have!!!!
Love to you all xxx
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