LA: the land of beautiful people, Amy and I fit right in. Although its more the land of weirdos, So we fit in even better on this account!
Welcome to Hollywood folks, the glamour, the bright lights the...smell...yeah, its not quite all as glitzy as you might have imagined. But anyway...I won't put what Amy is satying as its a naughty word and little kids (Jane, Denise, Paul) its just not suitable for your ears.
Friday: We wandered down the street looking at the walk of fame with the stars names on the pavement, bumping into other tourists as we went. We then made our way to Mann's Chinese Theatre where a bunch of vandals had stuck their hands into wet cement and left an imprint there. Some fools had even stood in it too. One was called Johnny Depp... I did take a photo. We tried to look at the Hollywood sign from a prime spot but it was covered by fog (its just liek San Fran lol). Then we went along to Rodeo Drive (that's Row-day-oh honey), where the rich and famous shop! Only we didn't see anyone famous. Not Viccy Beckham or anyone even renotely famous! We didn't buy anything and we didn't go in as most had doormen so we prob wouldn't have made it much further than the marble steps og Gucci, Chanel, Versace etc...sigh. Oh well, Primarni it is.
Sat: We hit the beach. Venice beach first, which was full of randoms. Amy took a pic of muscle beach and a very old man contemplating a huge weight. It looked like it weighed more than him! then we walked down to Santa Monica beach which was nicer and we played on teh gym equipment. I did an amazing routine on teh gym beam, Chloe you will be amazed, Ali, this is what heights you are aiming for. Amy on the other hand attempted a chin up. She did one. And then when I asked for another for photo evidence she did...nothing. Oh dear. Our muscle beach days are cruelly cut short after never really getting going anyway.
Sunday: Nothing to report, a day of rest.
Monday: set the scene, camera pans across two excited tourists standing outside some gold gates, a red carpet, cameras clicking, where are they? oh yes....Universal Studios! Get in! So....We had teh tour of the backlots and teh stages which was fabbity fab with special effects and floods and WISTERIA LANE! Yeah, Desperate Housewives...hehe, Auntie Anne, Becca, are you jealous. We didn't see any of teh ladies though but they were filming in the stages that day so all inside shots and of course, they don't let us in there. Ho hum. But anyway! We went on all the rides which we will tell in more detail but time is running short here, time is money ppl!! We saw everything and all the special effects things involving water, fire, car explosions etc etc! And we saw dinosaurs! We had a great day!! Really really awesome. That's it for teh blog for now, Weds we go on our Trek but we'll see what we can do. get your people to give our people a call. We might do lunch.
Lotsa love xxx
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