The Flashpacker Diaries
Clare writes: We didn't stay in Tully long - not overnight or anything, but it deserves a mention. They call Queensland the SUnshine State, but Tully (a day's drive from Cairns) holds the record for the most rain in a year in Australia. The year was 1950 when they had a very respectable 7.9 METRES of rain. There's a giant gumboot at the entrance to the town to honour the fact - pictures will be up here eventually.
We knew this was the wet season, but no-one really told us how wet it would be. Bali was wet for an hour or two each day, at inconvenient and unpredicable times. Here it just rains. We left Cairns in the rain and it has rained ever since... and so it will continue. And our van is leaking.
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