Extremely bloody jelous! Definately do sky diving grumpy. Vickers said its the most amazing thing she's ever done! I want to come :( - bad times
Keep getting on this blog. Jess's explanations of your days are immense. Since when did you like sprizters you crazy fool. Spritzers and G+Ts, I don't know who you are anymore!
Whats going on with the whole tonga Vavau whale diving?
Much love
Will xxx
James Pollock
Hope you guys are having a great time...I'm massively jealous!
Next plan:We are heading to Taupo tomorrow (bus is booked). This is where we can go Bungee Jumping!
We may also go Sky diving but we will have to see what is available.
Hope all are well at home! i am loving that everyone is contributing to the blog!
And Lilly Jean - Glow worms most certainly do glow in the dark (in fact it is their Poo that illuminates!thought you would like that one!)
Lots of Love to all
Gracie Gorgeous xxx
Yesterday we went white water rafting and it was one of the best things i have ever done! we went off a 7 Meter Waterfall (the highest commercially rafted waterfall in the WORLD!) I just thought i would update you as i know Will will be jealous!
Black water rating consists of a little black rubber ring, and a wet suit (unfortuanatley no alcohol was consumed before hand Lilly Fidget!). You then climb into a 3 foot wide gap into the Waitomo mountians and throw yourself into the cold water. You go through the dark floating in your ring and jumping off the occasional cliff and admire the glow worms literally feet above. It was kinda like tame caving with a floatable.
Lilly Charles And Kim
Does black water rafting involve alcohol?
Hope you are having a great time
Wil-of course it was Jess! Sounds like you're having an amazing time girls! Im very very jealous! x
Mum And Dad
Hello Grace- Dad and I looked on the website for black water rafting- hope it was as great as it looked!!!
Keep us up to date sweetheart as it's lovely knowing what you're doing so we can follow it on line too.
Love you loads
Mum and Dad aka Linz and Malc
Lilly Fidget
is black water rafting wen you go through caves in a raft and i hope that you are having a great time
Lilly Fidget
do glow worms glow in the dark????????? :D
Alex (Your Brother (Well Grace's)) Hobson
I have asked you this before but whats black water rafting!
Also how cool is this little blog thing. Quality standard beefy! Grace somehow I doubt this was you but if it was well done, if im right well done Jess!