Thank you for the phone call Grace- was so lovely to hear your voice!! Hope the next hostel is better!! Remember what I said on the phone about the sky diving.
By the way you've had a cadbury voucher through which needs spending before the end of May. What a hardship- I might have to buy some chocolate!! Speak to you on your birthday. Love you loads
What kind of a crazy local dialect would that be lindz!
The girl just can't spell!
1+4 = 5
Getting easier
Lindsay Hobson
Grace- I was really confused about a hand over until Dad said you meant hanG over- or are you speaking the local dialect??
Gran, Auntie Wend, Mark , Max and Pauline (Mark's Mum) all coming for dinner tomorrow- should be a lovely day.
What happened about sky diving?? Just off to watch the rugby now. Love to you both
Auntie Wend
Hi Gracie Gorgeous and Jess
Don't you just love technology!!! It's great that everyone can keep in contact with you. Even Gran has been logging on to find out your exploits. I think you're both very brave - you wouldn't catch a wimp like me bungee jumping.
Hey Alexander, I had a much easier sum than you (5 + 2 = 7). Is it cos I'm a bit fik?
You're obviously having a smashing time. Love your blog.
Bunjy jumping sounds brill! How is it touch water, or is it a fully fledged dunk?
Drinking with the locals nice! Have you been out with other travellers much yet then?
Thanks for the spelling lesson mom, I think Herb is right. I'm nuring a lean-over at the moment from last night! Anyway better get on with this work!
Oh by the way, if the water was boiling why are you not severly burned?
5+5=10, i like how i touch up on my maths and communicate with you at the same time!
Uncle Charles
Well done girls. Hope you gave them locals a good account of yourself.
Sorry to hear about your dodgy hand over Grace, its better than a headache though.
You mum will probably tell you that alcohol interferes with that part of the brain that aids spelling, I have never been able to spell properly. XXX
Today im nursing a particually dodgy hand over you will be pleased to learn Lilly! (or your dad wil!). we met some locals in a bar and they bought a bucket of alcohol so we got given free drinks, then we partied the night away and it ended in both Jess and me throwing ourselves into a bush (were not sure why) at 3 am and a rather painful head this moring!
Lilly Fidget
get all the alchol down you neck gracey told me to write this xxx :-D
Lindsay Hobson
Hello Grace and Jess- hope you are both ok and enjoying the nuts!!! Have been on a website and looked at Taupo and Lake Taupo. Don't tell me if you go sky diving until you've done it- feel sick just thinking about it!! Kayaking looks much safer and much more interesting!!
Love Mum xxxx
PS tell Alexander that jealous has a 'a' in it and definitely has two 'i's